March 15, 2022

episode 12

episode 12

     In this monuments episode 12 we talk to my very first experienced entrepreneur. What better way to start this new format for the podcast then with the amazing Cliff Ravenscraft. Cliff is a 20 year podcaster having many podcasts from The Lost Podcast, to The Podcast Answerman, and currently Upgrade Your Peer Group. He is also a life coach and in several masterminds that include many famous entrepreneurs including Pat Flynn.

     In this episode 12 I ask Cliff questions about his first Ideas about his entrepreneur adventure. Where he started and why he wanted to become an entrepreneur. I also ask him about his failures and what was his biggest lesson from them.

     Cliff gives us an amazing story about burnout and how it effected him and his family's life. How he worked so much for so long his body just gave out. He was Hospitalized and what happened to his mindset after he recovered. 

This is by far the most amazing guest I have had yet!

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Book Mention

Think and grow rich

4 hour work week

48 hours to the work you love

The Big Leap

Thou Shalt Prosper

Unlimited Power



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Host ............  DJ Skoob 

Guest ........... Cliff Ravenscraft