March 14, 2023

Episode 38

Episode 38 This amazing episode is with a great podcasting friend DinaLynn. With the combination of her experiences in the Language Pathologist field and the love of children, she has put together one of the most comprehensive parenting podcasts I have ever had the pleasure of listing too.  Listen as we Talk about her podcast The Language Of Play and how she got the idea and ran with it. We also talk about the importance of going from 0 to 1 in your entrepreneurial adventure. Its fantastic advice and much much more. Make sure you set a little time aside to listen all the way through because there is a very special announcement at the end of the podcast. If you have young children this is an episode you don't want to miss.

Guest Podcast......                The Language Of Play

Coach Mention  .......          Jennifer Trask 

Book Mention..........                        The Big Leap