Dinalynn Rosenbush Language Pathologist Turned Podcaster

uepodcast.net This amazing episode is with a great podcasting friend DinaLynn. With the combination of her experiences in the Language Pathologist field and the love of children, she has put together one of the most comprehensive parenting podcasts I have ever had the pleasure of listing too. Listen as we Talk about her podcast The Language Of Play and how she got the idea and ran with it. We also talk about the importance of going from 0 to 1 in your entrepreneurial adventure. Its fantastic advice and much much more. Make sure you set a little time aside to listen all the way through because there is a very special announcement at the end of the podcast. If you have young children this is an episode you don't want to miss.
uepodcast.net This amazing episode is with a great podcasting friend DinaLynn. With the combination of her experiences in the Language Pathologist field and the love of children, she has put together one of the most comprehensive parenting podcasts I have ever had the pleasure of listing too. Listen as we Talk about her podcast The Language Of Play and how she got the idea and ran with it. We also talk about the importance of going from 0 to 1 in your entrepreneurial adventure. Its fantastic advice and much much more. Make sure you set a little time aside to listen all the way through because there is a very special announcement at the end of the podcast. If you have young children this is an episode you don't want to miss.
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Salutation Skoobelievers , and we are here again with another amazing brand Making new entrepreneur. Today we're here with Andina Lynn. Hi Dina. Hello. Thank you for L having me here today.
I'm so excited to have you on The Undiscovered Entrepreneur. We've been putting this together for a little time, and I'm really glad we finally got it together.
Yay. Me too. Yay. All right, so I'm gonna start you off with a really kind of important, serious question. Okay. Are you. ? Mm-hmm. . All right. Are you a school believer? Absolutely. How could I not be? All right. Hey, we got our next school believer. Thank you, Nina Lynn, thank you very, very much for being a school believer on the Undiscovered Entrepreneur.
All right, so please do me a favor and just tell me a little bit about yourself, a little bit of Butcher Entrepreneur Adventure, and how long you've actually been doing it for. Oh boy. . All right, so this adventure that I'm doing now is less than a year. I have, as you know, just launched a podcast and. As I've been like trying to figure out what it is that I'm going to do, I have like been dabbling in all these different things, trying to whittle down what it was that I'm doing, and I landed in podcasting.
And so now that's where I'm at. And I have really been enjoying the people that I meet and, and oh boy, the learning, oh, the learning curve is so steep, but it's still been joyful and fun. . Yeah. That's actually part of the fun of an entrepreneur's venture is learning new things and, and meeting new people and people that wanna support you in everything that you do.
So you got a lot more of that where, you know, coming to you so , yay. Yeah. So, uh, what made you wanna start your business? What was the catalyst that kind of got you going? . Well, in my life I had a, a career as a speech language pathologist in the schools. And during that time I was also a parent of my children as they grew through all the years.
And while I was going through teacher training and speech pathology training, um, as like, Continuing education. I kept thinking, man, this would work at home , this would work with my kids. I should do this with my kids. So I, anyway, yes, of course I implemented those things with my students, but I found that I would implement a lot of my learning with my kids and I kept thinking I should tell other parents this.
And I sat on it for many years because when you work a teacher schedule and your parent, your world is, and, um, now my kids are out and I decided that I'm going to do this. I'm going to share this information with parents. And you know, like the information that I learned so much, w it was geared towards children with speech and language difficulties.
But those tricks and techniques and strategies work with all children and not just for teachers to do, but. Parents and anybody that works with children to do so. I want to just share that information because it's just, it's a good way to be with kids. It helps you to get behind, well, my phrase is get behind the eyes of the child to talk to them in the way their brain understands.
That's, that's really important too, because when, when you talk to a child and they don't understand what you're talking about or even talking in their type of language, Uh, they're, they're not gonna comprehend what you're trying to say. So being, having that ability to be able to talk to a child like that, it's very, very important.
And I, I, from what I've heard from your podcast, I've actually been, I've been li listening to her pod. What's the name of your podcast again? The Language of Play. The Language of I love that, by the way. That's amazing. Um, , I've listened to everything that you've put out so far, and I do have a 16 year old child, but I do have a four year old granddaughter as well too.
Mm-hmm. . So it's, it's something that I've actually been learning about and I've raised three kids already and I'm, I'm still learning stuff from you. So it's, it's amazing that you're putting out that kind of information. I think anybody that's raising children at this point could benefit from it. . Yeah, I think so too.
Hence the reason I put it out. And, and also I too have a, a grandson and it has been just wonderful to watch. Like, I didn't know this stuff when I raised my kids. It was the process of learning while I was raising them, the process of teaching while I was also raising them when I learned this, but now understanding this kind of thing and my daughter does.
So we're looking at her son and the behavior he has and it's so much different to look at his behavior and to see what is like, what is his understanding. And here's a real simple one, cuz he's only one. So, uh, she asked him if he wants some toast and he's been studying body parts, so he grabs his feet and says to, so he was combining toast with toes and he heard.
you know the St. S? Yeah. On the, on the toast. And so we realized, yeah, that's what he understood, because his behavior showed us what he actually understood. And so he said yes. Well, he grabbed his feet. So when he grabs his feet, that means he wants toast. Or No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. . Yeah. The, what it really means is he didn't know there was another word about toes.
Oh, okay. . And he is trying to figure out, what are we talking about? Are we going to eat our toes ? So he doesn't hear that difference. And so now, because we, that's just one example. Maybe it's a, a bad example if you have big kids, but you get the idea of how kids, they're understanding what they're hearing based on what they already.
And so they're attaching what they hear this next time onto their current knowledge, and we so often think, oh, of course he understands that. So like, he had toast yesterday, so he'll understand toast today. But what do he really understand is shown in his behavior? and he grabbed his feet. So he really didn't know we were talking about food or bread
That's great. That is so awesome. I'm, I'm glad you actually went through that experiences with the other children, just so you can get the information that you need about raising children to us, you know? Yeah. As adult, as adults that are raising children. I mean, that's great information. So thank you very much for putting that all.
Thank you. Yes, it is coming together and it's a continuous coming together as I am new right now. As you and I are speaking, there are seven published episodes, so I am a beginner . Well, you know what? What's the nice thing though? You started, that's the main thing, that you actually started something, and a lot of people that have the.
Won't even start. I mean, they'll have the idea and they'll just keep that idea, but they won't actually take that first step to get across the start line. That's what I call that. It's getting across the start line, uh, to, to make those differences for other people, cuz they're, you know, a lot of people are afraid, or they're afraid of failure.
They're afraid of what's gonna happen and so much is going through your mind. But once you actually get started, once you actually take that step, that first step towards something, , then you're finding yourself, oh, this is gonna work. Well, what, what about, what's my next step then? What's my next step? And now you've put out a podcast, you've put out seven episodes, and I gotta tell you, every episode that I've listened to has been, had a lot of great information for anybody that's raising children.
I'm definitely gonna suggest that to a lot of my friends who had just had kids. Um, so a lot of my podcasting friends are just now having kids. So I'm, I'm definitely gonna be, uh, suggesting you're a podcast. , thank you. Absolutely. That's great. Yeah. And what you say about, you know, like that getting started and the waiting like that was me too.
You know, like I had things in my mind for 10 years, but never really, well, 10 years ago I didn't have podcasting as something I even knew existed. And then, um, you know, then I have another idea. But then there's life that takes you away and then. , you know, like I didn't act either for a long time until finally it like materialized.
Ah, the things I like to do kind of is all wrapped up. Podcasting. That's cool. Okay, now I've got somewhere to direct the ideas. . That's great. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and move on to the next question here, cuz I could, I could talk about this all day. . So, um, as you're going along, I know you're kind of new at this, you're just starting podcasting and whatnot, but what are some of the pitfalls or problems that, that you've come across over the last, you know, since you've.
How long do you have tonight, ? Well, I don't know. It's getting kinda late. Uh, no, just like, you know, I think for me as an individual, the biggest, I don't know if it's a pitfall, but i's call it a struggle, is that, um, I didn't have business in my background. . I didn't have computers in my background. I wasn't on social media, so I never had those kind of things on my background.
I didn't have audio in my background. So not only are the platforms and the hardware redoing stuff new to me, I didn't know the language to communicate about it. So when I have a question, even on the simple things, I didn't know the vocabulary to be able to ask the questions. So people would say to me, ask me if you have a question.
I'd say, okay. I couldn't form the question . So, you know, like that, um, has been the big, big learning curve is to. Get an understanding of how does it all work and what is the vocabulary for it. So, you know, like some people grew up in a family of entrepreneurs. I did not, some people grew up with business mindedness around them, or audio stuff or, or like the current generation with computers around them.
You know, I'm older than that . It's all been new to me in many ways. So that's been my, my biggest struggle is, I don't, I want my brain to learn faster, you know, like there, I'm trying to put in so much information, I feel like it just flows over the top of the cup. So, holding onto all that information. and it's tough to hold onto it sometimes.
It really is tough to hold onto. It kind of comes at you like a hailstorm, you know, it's just like this. All this information is like, oh, I'll show you that social. Wait a minute, let me, okay, well now I got it. Okay, well that's too much information. Hang on, just gimme just a second. I'm gonna go over here.
You know, it could be overwhelming sometimes and that that's exactly what it is. And I sought out coaches and I found fabulous coaches, and then one person said to me, Dean, , you have found many coaches that will get people from one to five and they can go from one to five really fast, but you are not at one yet.
You need to find the coach. That is the zero to one and the zero to one is the big leap, and you've mentioned that book and she told me, you need to go read that book. And I read it twice and I, I thought to myself, yeah, this is a big leap for me because so much of the personal growth. on top of all the things that I just mentioned was was a c.
Absolutely. It's always a challenge. It's just a learning. It's part of the learning process, you know, being able to get those, the information that you need that's pertinent. You get that out there first, so you can actually cross that start line and get from that zero zero to one. , you know? Mm-hmm. . And if anybody, and this, I'm sorry.
It's shameless self plug. Sorry. If anybody's interested, gets interested from getting to zero to one, that's actually where I specialize in, in my coaching, doing it today, coaching.com. Uh, if anybody, and you helped me some too, and I have appreciated it. Yes. You have. Just to kind of get my mind in one area, because when you're new, like everything's a shiny object.
And, and you know that when you hear you need to learn how to do emailing and you need to know how to do your podcast, you know, like all the different things you need to learn how to do, it comes in at equal volume. because you can't prioritize when you're brand new. You have like, I had no idea what the priority ought to be.
So I would listen to this person and listen to that person, and each time I'd listen to somebody, I'd run down that trail for a while and then realize, oh, wait a minute, I can't go this trail any further. I have to go get the foundation. Exactly, exactly. Make sure you get your foundational things done first and then move on to you.
You don't want to overextend yourself. You want to get really good at one or two or three things that you're really, you know, efficient at. and then spread out to other things. That way you're not overwhelming yourself, and you could build those steps. You could build those blocks off of each other. So, so we got the podcast.
Okay. We now got the podcasting. The podcasting. Good. And let's go out to, uh, reaching out to my podcast listeners to understand what they're looking for. . Okay, now let's talk about email. You know, you want to build things instead of trying to pile one big pile on top of everything all at once, you want to turn that pile into stepping stones.
So, right. So it's, it's easier to manage and then you're not missing anything too, cuz what happens when you put everything into a big pile? You start rooting through the pile. Ohoh, I missed something. Oh, oh, there it goes. You know? So it's really important to build those building blocks and, and you spent a lot of time.
Yeah. And the other thing too that you said, which was really, I really, I'm glad you said something. Sometimes the question could actually be more important than the answer. . Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , you know, cuz you're never gonna get the answer unless you, you get the question right. And when you don't know what the question really is or how to actually verbalize the question, it can, it could be very exasperating and sometimes, uh, bringing you down even cuz you're not sure how you're supposed to say this.
So, you know, I, I learned definitely listening to other people in other podcasts, learning from other people in audiobooks and things of that nature, have been able to increase my vocabulary and to be able to ask the correct questions so I can move on with my entrepreneur adventure. . Yes, absolutely. And I have learned that too, from what your podcast, one of the things that has just really helped me is it's helped my heart in it.
You know, when I listen to other people say their struggle and that they couldn't hold onto all the information, or they didn't know how to say something, and they didn't know who to ask for help and they didn't, you know, like all the different things. I'm like, oh, me too, me too. Me too. On all those different things.
And I found it to be, um, encouraging for me to realize, okay, they're somewhere, they're doing it, they're successful, and they still started out this way. So when I first heard of your podcast, I went and I specifically looked for, okay, the first episode, and then the year later , or the first one, and then the six months later to hear, okay, so how did those people make.
Right. And it was encouraging to me, so I've appreciated your podcast too. Oh, thank you. I, I really appreciate the, the kind words. And I'm gonna be doing some more of those follow-ups. I am gonna be doing some more of those follow-ups. They are coming here real soon. . Hey. All right. So, um, going on to the next question here.
Uh, . What I would like to talk about is influences and people that you look up to and, and people that help you keep moving in your entrepreneur adventure. Uh, have you had anybody like that that kind of influences you or kind of keeps you moving forward? You know, I think I've been really fortunate. I have been, I've been meeting many, many fabulous people.
I don't, part of me hesitates to say, because I'll forget somebody, you know, like, , I, I've been part of numerous groups where people have been helpful in, in various ways. You know, like some groups are really helpful to meet other people. Like I was going to Speaker's Playhouse, you know, you, you meet other people, they're speaking.
I've been in Power Partners, and you meet people that are gonna help you in, in. Doing your thing. And I've been in a couple different podcasting groups where, where they say, okay, here's, here's what I did and here's how I handled the problem, and here's the direction to go and here's how we do this thing.
And, and, and so many more Toastmasters group trying to learn how to speak a little better with , little more fluidity. And, you know, there's, there's more groups and all of them have been influencer. and the, the person, I think, I don't know why I'm thinking of this right now. Maybe cuz we just talked about it, but the person that said to me, um, you're, you're at zero.
The leap from zero to one is so big. It is okay to say no to many people right now. Just focus on learning. zero to one and and she was selling stuff, and so she advised me, don't buy any of this stuff. It's not for you yet. But again, I couldn't prioritize because I just knew that I didn't know any of what anybody was teaching and I was supposed to learn it all.
And she really, really impacted me too, because she came alongside and she saw. , she saw where I'm actually at. She saw me as the green beginner that I actually am. Whereas sometimes when I say to somebody I, I'm more green than that, they would feel like I'm insulting myself and I would feel like I'm just trying to be transparent.
So it was a, she was a really big influencer. That was Ginny Trask. So, yeah. But there's so many, there's so many people that have been fantastic influencers. What was her name again? I'm sorry. That was Jenny Trask that said that to me. Jenny Trask. Okay. Shout out to Jenny Trask. Thank you so much for understanding us.
Beginners . I actually might try to reach out to her too, cuz it sounds like she kind of understands us, us going, getting across the start line. So that's, that's pretty awesome. So I appreciate that. Um, uh, one thing that you said saying, saying no is, uh, Don't be afraid to say no to somebody or something because when you say no to something, you're saying yes to something else.
But on the other hand, if you're saying yes to something, what are you saying no to? You know, we gotta keep that in mind cuz us being new, we can only handle so much, so much information and, and doing so many appointments and things like that. So don't be afraid to say no saying no is okay. Mm-hmm. and it was a hard thing to learn at first.
Like which things do I say no to? Yeah. Because right now, especially us, us as beginners, we wanna say yes to everything. Because we don't wanna miss an opportunity. We wanna, we don't wanna say, oh no. And then all of a sudden, you know, uh oh, we missed that opportunity. So we wanna say yes to everything, but do we just kind of, kind of keep in the back of our head saying yes also means saying no.
Sometimes it's saying no to, uh, a project that we're working on to take time for that. Yes. Sometimes it's saying no to family time because we said yes to this other project and sometimes that can, that, you know, that can overtake. our family time or whatever. We really don't wanna do that, especially when it comes, especially when it comes to family, when it comes to our kids and our time with our family.
That's very precious to us. We only have, uh, my, uh, my virtual mentor, pat Flyaway says we only have 18 summers with our children before they're gone. So we have to really, we have to really take into heart how much time we actually have with our children. We don't want to take time away from our children because we have something.
you know, a business wise or something like that. Take that extra time and effort to be with our family, with our children and that kind of thing. So once again, when you're saying yes to something, make sure you're not saying no to something that's more important. Yeah, absolutely. Good advice. All right,
Thank you. . All right, so here's a really good question. I really like this one. Um, I know you're just getting started. You've come a long way to get to this start. . Mm-hmm. . . I think I have, right? You really have, yeah. You've had a lot of different experiences, I think, just to get to the start line, but when would you know, you've made it, when will you actually say, this is exactly where I wanted to be at this really exact time.
What does that look like to you? I think that bar actually is set perhaps kind of low because my. Being there at this point is like, okay, when I'm gonna get up in the morning, I know what to do for my business in a given day. I know what my goals are for right now. I know this month, this week, this year goal, I'm able to like see the picture.
Right now, I'm, you know, like everything is like a slap back, you know? Um, maybe that's the wrong way to say it. It's. Somebody says, oh, but do you have these things you can submit to me? And then I'm like, oh, I need to make them. And then how do I put them into the form that they want? And then how do I, you know, so everything that I'm doing is still like after the fact, get it back out there.
But when I have stuff that, when somebody asks me for different things, I can say, yeah, I got. , I know what you're talking about. Yes, I know where my goals are. I know what I'm doing today. I know what the priorities are for today in order to get me to my goals. That's actually where my bar is at this point.
Like I wanna get there and then I'll be like, okay, I can really make bigger goals now. I won't feel, I think like I'm scrambling as much as I feel like I scramble. . Yeah. Cuz scrambling is tough. It's tough mentally. Yeah, it's tough physically cuz you're trying to, you're all over the place. You're all over the place.
And then when you're trying to do too mu too many things, you end up getting nothing accomplished. So , right? Yeah. So I, that's, that's where I am, that's where I have my sights right now is to be trimming away the. To be focused on the Yes. To get clearer, clearer, and clearer all the time about what I'm saying yes and no to, so it aligns.
It fits and I'm confident and then I, that's where I'm, maybe that's an unrealistic thing, but yet that's where I'm at. That's what I want. No, that's very realistic. That is very, very realistic. I mean, and anybody that's. What's that? I think it's necessary too, for insanity. Yeah, that's for darn sure. . But to be clear on your goals, I mean, especially starting out, that's, that's very, very important.
That's a good goal to have. Uh. . I, uh, one thing I do want to say on this though is, um, I actually did, uh, talked about this on a previous, um, coaching that I did. Uh, when you're setting your goals, I usually set my goals in threes. One that's really close by one that I can know is very achievable. One that's kind of in the middle where I know it's gonna take a little bit of work to do, but I know it's achievable.
I can do it as long as I do the work. Then one that's way out there, you know, that's like. You know, it's, you're reaching for the stars, but you're gonna make it to the moon instead. You know, that kind, that kind of goal, you know, um, having that far out goal is kind of like where I've made it. That's, that's where I'm looking at for me, so, So kind of keep that in mind too, cuz it really does give you a direction.
And then the having the small goal and the medium goal, that gives you a type of direction too, where you know you're going this direction towards that medium goal to get to the large goal. Mm mm-hmm. . Does that make sense? It is. That's what I'm referring to with alignment. Yes. To kind of have myself a North star and then understand my stepping stones to get there, that.
I think we're saying the same thing, but differently. Yes. No, it's exactly right. So w it's, it's been validated ladies and gentlemen. We both are saying a very exact same thing, . So let me, let me ask you this question, a different w different way then. What is your North Star? Do you have a North Star set for yourself?
My North Star at this point. No, I don't think I have something that's too much farther than I can see. I, no, I think I, I can't say that because everything that I now have as a goal is something that is probably that middle goal, that stretch goal. Like I, I think I can reach that, but the goal that is like, I don't know how to reach that.
I don't know if I can reach that. It, it's kinda like beyond my ability to imagine still. No, that's okay. So that's something we need to work on. I want you to, I want you to have that North Star kind of feel that, that, that goal that's way out there that you can actually get, I don't want this to turn into a coaching, sorry, but , but I want, I want you to have that.
I really do. I think having that North Star will give you a little more direction. Good. Okay. I, we'll work on that. We'll talk about that next time. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. . All right, so I, I would, this is one that I really like to, if you are just going along your entrepreneur adventure and you just run into somebody that's wants to take the same adventure as you or something similar to it, what advice would you give them?
What steps would you have them?
It's funny you should ask that. Somebody just asked me this last week, how did you get into podcasting? I wanna do that too. So he is gonna come to my house and take a look at what I've got for recording equipment and stuff. That's what he's interested in, uh, on Saturday. And, um, I am, I was just thinking about that earlier today.
I'm not, it's like I can tell him what I.
And I guess the advice that I would give would be, um, to get clear on, you know, what the message is that you want to give, what area do you want to have as your, um, you know, who he is speaking to and what is it, is your main message start kind of there. I. So anyway, we'll see. I think that's gonna be after Saturday.
I will know the answer to that because I will be answering those questions when he comes. And if I have, it's like I'm so new to this still that I don't, yeah, I guess I don't trust myself real well to give advice in something that I feel like I am still learning. I feel like I can say, okay, these are the things that I learned and this is what was helpful.
but I still feel like such a beginner that I don't feel qualified to tell advice in this yet. Yeah. And that's, that's . Yeah. Yeah. And you know what, um, I felt the same way too when I first got started, but the one thing that I always thought about is once I get to a point, even if you're just getting started, there's always somebody one step behind me.
Yeah. And that person, that's one step behind you will want to know what you know. So that's the type of per, I mean, that's what you want to kind of keep in mind is of course, you know this stuff cuz you've already done it already. You're that one step ahead of them. So don't be afraid to tell them what you know at this point because they don't know that yet.
Right, right. I just figured that like I'll just answer every question that he asked me, but I, I. Yeah, that's what I figure. I'm gonna do . Yeah, that's, that's what you, and then if you don't, if you don't know the answer to it, then Oh yeah. I'll just say I don't, no, just tell 'em, Hey, I really don't know. But you can go here to find out, or you can talk to this person and find out or something.
Give 'em a direction to go. So you, yeah, I now know who the one to five people are and who the zero to one people are. Yep. So we'll see where he's at when he talks to me on Saturday. If he's a one to five or a zero to one. They're pretty quick to pick out too. I'll find out. also, um, don't, and, uh, God, I'm gonna go rent into coaching again.
I'm sorry. Uh, don't feel like that you're an imposter. because when you say, when you say, I don't know, and I'm afraid to not know this, don't, don't feel like I, you know, I'm, I'm not qualified to talk about this. There are things that you are qualified to talk about, even as a beginner. So don't give into imposter syndrome, cuz if you get into, if you give into imposter syndrome, now you're gonna give into it.
eventually. And that's gonna stop you. Cuz you know what? That's what stopped me. I actually put everything on hold, not put on hold, but I stopped advancing myself because I was going through a very serious imposter syndrome myself. I mean, who am I? I've only been doing this for a little while. I don't have any kind of qualifications.
I don't you, I mean, you have more education than I do as far as that's concerned. Why do I, you know, why do I have that kind of feeling? Um, but once I. owning imposter syndrome, my imposter syndrome, it, you know, I am suffering from imposter syndrome. Once I stopped saying that verbiage, for some reason, it just, I felt like there was a, a, a weight that was lifted off my shoulders because I'm not taking responsibility for something that's so negative.
Sure. So understand. Yeah. So don't, don't give into imposter syndrome, I guess would be the moral of the story.
Okay. Okay. All right. So I told you this, I, I don't know why this is turning into a coaching. This is terrible. Okay. So , you'll title it. Coaching 1 0 1. Well, Coaching a beginner
So, um, I'm gonna, I'm gonna get into something now. You're, you're just starting your podcast. . Mm-hmm. and, and I'm gonna use the podcast as an example. I know you got a couple other things going, but the podcast is what I'm gonna kind of concentrate on. So say I'm like looking through Spotify or Apple Pods or anything like that, and I see your podcast, but I also see a couple other podcasts that are kind of podcasting in that similar kind of niche.
Mm-hmm. , if I listen to all three podcasts, why should I listen to you? What's the one thing that you have that these other podcasts don't? I think when you are looking at parenting, and that's the topic, the genre that you would be in, if you're going to be looking at my podcast, then you are looking for help communicating with your kid.
If your child is having behavior problems, you are wanting to communicate differently with them. What you've been doing probably isn't working. That's why you're on the podcast looking for. Some of the podcasts are going to be talking maybe about behaviors and all this kind of stuff. Some things are gonna overlap with what it is that I teach, but my focus is the communication strategies that you can use that develop the connection.
between your heart and your child's heart, and it changes the way you interact. Because I want, I want parents to look at their language, the words they use, kinda like you just said to me, be careful for the words that you use. Mm-hmm. . And when you communicate with your child with words that convey, oh, discovery.
Oh, huh. I didn't under you didn't understand toast, you grabbed your toes. , you know, like you, you come to recognize. They're exploring, they are learning. They are challenged also, but they don't know they're even challenged cuz they didn't know, they didn't understand. So often they are just being curious and if you can get into that mindset where you have curiosity and you respond to them with just genuine curiosity, not the why that you say, why'd you do that?
Meaning, do something different. But rather why'd you do that with the belief that they have a reason. It develops that connection and that belief with your kiddo. And then in that they respond sooner, they start to respond better. They start to listen better because they're seen and they're heard. So there's some of the foundational pieces in my podcast that's going to draw in.
Connection with your kid and they will be able to communicate with you and you with them better. The foundation is, you know, with kiddos that have speech and language impairment, but it works for all kids. In fact, I've had parents come back to me and say, I did that with my spouse and it worked, , because really we are validating the humanity of one another.
So it's. Bravo. Bravo. Thank you Anna Lynn. That's amazing. Thank you so much. That's so, that's just my heart's a flutter right now. That's really good. I, I'm gonna listen to your pod. I, I mean, I've already listened to your podcast, but if I wasn't I would be now. So , good. What was that? What episode was that?
Where he had, uh, where it was the, the, the reading to the child? Uh, was that episode seven? Episode four. Four. Four. One year old. Language learning with a book. Yes, yes, yes. If anybody wants to start with anything and know exactly what she's about, that's a good star. I mean, you know, listen to zero one and two and all that.
But episode four was one that really hit home for me cuz it really got me thinking about how to communicate with the child, not just read the book to 'em and have the child understand the book. So I really do recommend that episode four of your podcast. and in seven, I talk a little bit about that too because it was dual language learning home, so I referred to episode four and did an example.
That's what it was. Seven. Yes, it all comes together. Okay,
All right, so here we are. I love this question. This is my favorite question and I did steal this one, so sorry. Every. What is the one question that you wish I would've asked you but I didn't. I always forget one really good, important question and my guess is like, oh, I really wish he asked me this question cuz I had the perfect answer for you.
So do you have a, a question you wish I would've asked you but didn't?
It's okay to think about it. I do. I will edit out the dead space. It's okay. . Thank you. Cause I was hoping something would come to me.
I don't have anything in my dead head. That's okay.
If you, if you want, oh, go ahead. Go, go ahead. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I was just gonna say, do you have an idea to jog my memory of something that is like, what people ask that is like, oh yeah, we ask that. Well, I, I would maybe think back to, uh, maybe some of the people you've talked to already that you've asked questions to, that you weren't sure about, or, um, something that maybe in your past that you've done that helps you with what you're doing in your present.
Um, I don't know. Yeah. What, here you go. Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. . Yeah, some, what book do you read that really made a big difference? Oh, that's a good one. I really like that one. What is, because I had a, I had a book like that too. It's really made a big difference in my life. And that was the big leap.
So, uh, what, what was your book that really made a big difference in your. I will say the big leap has made a huge difference in my life, actually. And I wanted to say that because that was the one that I know that you particularly advocate for. I have read some other books too, and I will say there's one that was by, uh, Shiraz Babu that has made a really big difference.
And that was, um, rewriting reality. Ooh, okay. and he talks about how when you believe something, then you see it versus seeing it and then believing it. So when you believe something is going to be, you tend to walk in that way and create some of those realities for yourself because you're already believing that it's gonna.
Fantastic. I'm gonna clip that out. That's a, that's great. I really appreciate you saying that. I'm gonna look, definitely look that book up, that's, that sounds like a fantastic book for, for a good mindset. It is and it was very helpful. That's another book that I read twice cuz it was worth it. . That's awesome.
Alright. Thank you for answering that question that, that you came up with.
You're welcome, . All right, so here, here, here are some of the fun. Now, here we go. So, at this point I want to ask you, I'm gonna follow up with you in the next six months. So in six months, where do you see you, yourself, your, your podcast, your business? What do you have set up for yourself in the next six?
I'm going to reach in that next six months, everything that I just told you that I wanted, as like when I've arrived, I am going to have my goals. Like short, medium, and North Star, I'm gonna be able to know what I do on a daily, weekly basis that gets me there to be able to figure out the steps along the way.
I am going to know how to use all this recording equipment without having to do and redo and redo. I missed something in the steps , where I erase it accidentally. I am going to, um, know how to communicate with people that I want to have on my podcast and, and know how to edit and publish without quite as much effort.
Those are the things that in six months is going to. . Really solid . There you go. I lo I love the conviction in your voice. I will. I will have this done. I will. That's great. So what we're gonna do is in six months I'm gonna follow up with you again. We're gonna have another conversation just like this, and we're gonna see if we actually made those goals.
But it sounds like to me you will. We will. Yes, we will. or more. . My dad. Well, I'm hoping more. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. My dad always says, always say, and more or more. And you know, . Yeah. I do expect that there's gonna be more because that what I just said is like where I've had all my energy and I am totally focused on that.
So maybe it'll be sooner than that. We'll see. We'll see. We'll, I'm really excited to, I'm really excited to follow up with you in six months and see and have that all come to fruition. Thank you. Oh, right. Thank you. Looking forward to it also. All right. All right, Dina. Lynn, it's time. It's your time to shine now.
I want you to go ahead and advertise yourself, advertise your podcast, and whenever you're putting together for you. Ready, sir. All right. All right. . Thank you parents. Uh, anytime that you are struggling with your kiddos, uh, come join me At the language of play you'll be able to learn about how to communicate and connect with your kids through simple strategies to help them listen better.
There we go. And what's the name of the podcast? Sorry, on the podcast called The Language of Play. The Language of Play, and how do we get ahold of you personally if we want, if we wanna ask you questions or anything like that, how do we get ahold of you? Hello? At the language of play.com. Oh, I like that.
Yes. Hello. Right. Do you have any, hello? Do you have any, are you working any of the social medias? Right. Um, I am learning Facebook a little bit better. Mm-hmm. and I have been on LinkedIn, but I haven't updated my profile for a year. , and then, but that's, that's pretty much where I'm putting my, like that's it for social media.
So far I've been really focused on trying to do the other learning, which is how to do the podcasting. Right, right. So if we wanna find you on Facebook, do we just look, what do we look. Uh, Dina Lynn Rosen Bush. Okay. At this point, but I want to open a page that is the language of play. Someday you'll see that one.
I also bought the domain, the language of play.com, but there's no website there yet. I just have the domain. So if you're looking at or hearing this in the future, go ahead and look at the language of play.com and you will find something sometime eventually. . Yes. All right, Dylan, thank you so, so much for being in the Undiscovered Entrepreneur.
It's been an absolute pleasure to have you on the podcast. I really think we taught some great, uh, experiences to a lot of the s School believers out there and, and thank you just so much for doing what you do. Thank you so much too for having me. It's a joy to be here and I feel quite privileged to be able to share this early.
In conversation because of how much I benefited listening to other people's early parts in their journeys. And thank you for being that person that exposes the early parts of business building. You're very welcome. Alright. All right. School believers, thank you so much and make sure you stay tuned for the wrap up.
All right everybody. Thank you. Really.
Okay. So whenever you're ready. Just, uh, this is my name from your podcast, and you're listening to Undiscovered Entrepreneur, episode 37. Okay. This is d Lynn Rosen Busch, uh, . Yay. Editing. Woo. All right. This is Tina Lynn Rosen Busch with the Language of Play Podcast. I am on the Undiscovered Entrepreneur episode 30.
Very good. Very good. Now you can do this. Try again. I can do it again with 38. Same, just like that? Mm-hmm. . Okay. Hello, this is d Lynn Rosen Bush with the Language of Play Podcast on the Undiscovered Entrepreneur's Podcast, episode number 38. Welcome.

Dinalynn Rosenbush
Author, Speaker, Coach, Speech Pathologist, Mom
Dinalynn Rosenbush is a Bestselling Author, Health, Mindset & Parent Empowerment Coach, and Public Speaker. During her 26 years working as a Speech Language Pathologist, Dinalynn saw communication struggles and began working to help families to build happier, more productive, heart-centered homes through improving communication. As a Late-stage Lyme disease survivor, she coaches others toward better health in mind, body, soul, & spirit. At home, she raised her children as a creative, adventure loving, single parent that knows the importance of working together, as a TEAM, for the family system to function well.