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Oct. 15, 2024

From Fears to Fortune: Navigating Entrepreneurial Hurdles

From Fears to Fortune: Navigating Entrepreneurial Hurdles

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Overcoming Entrepreneurial Hurdles with Dr. Tim Blake

In this episode of the Undiscovered Entrepreneur podcast (episode 89), host Scoob engages in a conversation with Dr. Tim Blake, a mental health professional with over 30 years of experience, specializing in helping people transcend mental barriers. The episode focuses on the four primary hurdles that entrepreneurs face when starting their ventures: perfectionism, imposter syndrome, fear, and failure. Dr. Blake provides insights into overcoming these challenges, emphasizing the importance of confronting fears, accepting imperfection, and maintaining a growth mindset. He shares his personal experiences and approaches to tackling these psychological obstacles, advising listeners to begin their entrepreneurial journeys despite uncertainties. The episode aims to inspire entrepreneurs to take tangible steps towards their goals, leveraging failures as stepping stones for future success.

00:00 Introduction to Episode 89
00:17 Meet Dr. Tim Blake
00:40 The Four Major Hurdles
03:53 Deep Dive into Perfectionism
13:29 Understanding Imposter Syndrome
22:35 Beware of Shady Coaching Programs
23:09 The Importance of Research Before Investing
23:38 Hidden Costs in Starting a Business
24:33 Imposter Syndrome and Mindset Shifts
26:28 Understanding and Overcoming Fear of Failure
29:46 Embracing Limitations and Growth
32:18 The Journey of Personal and Professional Growth
34:28 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
36:08 Dr. Tim Blake's Offerings and Services
40:50 Episode Wrap-Up and Key Takeaways

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 Dr. Tim

Dr. Tim

[00:00:00] This is an Undiscovered Legacy production.

Hello Scoob believers, and welcome to episode number 89 of the Undiscovered Entrepreneur Getting Across The Start Line, and it's me, Scoob, coming at you with whatever device you happen to be listening on. Alright, so today we're talking to this very special gentleman named Dr. Tim Blake. Now Dr. Tim Blake has been a mental health professional for over 30 years and he helps people break through the mental barriers by teaching them how to discover and become who they are.

Truly were created to be. Isn't that fantastic? So I got together with Dr. Blake and we had a discussion about the four major hurdles of stop, what stops us from getting across the start line. And he had so many great things to say. I had to have him on my podcast.

So we're going to do a really, this is going to be a little bit different, but we're going to [00:01:00] do a deep dive. Into the four hurdles of stop imposter syndrome perfectionism failure and fear and we're going to see what Dr. Tim Blake has to say about it. So let's take a listen.

 Are you ready to unlock your entrepreneur potential? Are you ready to break free from all the barriers holding you back? Then you've come to the right place. Welcome to the Undiscovered Entrepreneur, your first step in getting across the start line.

I'm your host and guide Scoop, and I'm here with one mission. To help you overcome the obstacles standing between you and the start of your adventure. Whether you're dreaming of launching a startup, creating the next big app, or turning your passion into a thriving business, this podcast is your launchpad.

Together we'll navigate the challenges, Overcome hidden boundaries that stop us from starting and learn how to overcome them [00:02:00] with the help of others. Experience them right along with you. So are you ready to take that crucial step to transform from aspiring to inspiring? Then let's get across that start line together right here, right now on the Undiscovered Entrepreneur.

Salutations, School Believers, and we're here again with another amazing edition of Undiscovered Entrepreneur Get Across the Start Line. Today, we're here actually with Tim. We're going to have something a little bit different than we're used to, Tim is actually here to help us with some new information about the four hurdles of stop so we can get across that start line.

So I want to introduce Tim. Hi, Tim. How you doing? 

I'm doing well, just please to meet you and just let me introduce them a little bit more to who I am. Just kind of what I, where I've been. I'm actually Dr. [00:03:00] Tim Blake. Yeah, I've got a doctor's degree in counseling psychology. 30 year mental health professional, but actively working with people and helping them through the difficulties and the stopping points in their life.

And actually as well with that, that I help people discover, become who they were created to be, to get moving in as you've got the undiscovered entrepreneur into what they are actually supposed to be about. And really move into that. And as such, I've moved into coaching myself and crafting life mindset, which is things that helps you move forward in terms of how you were created to be.

And I'm, I'm excited to talk with you about your four stopping points and explore this a little bit better so that people can understand what can get in the way of them moving forward, 

fantastic. So I'm going to go over the 

the four hurdles that we go through as entrepreneurs that stop us from getting across the start line, [00:04:00] perfectionism, imposter syndrome, fear and failure, and out of the three years that I've been doing this so far, those are the four things that keep coming up time and time again, that stop us from getting across the start line.

So what is your perception or what kind of things can we expect when we, when we Experience perfectionism. Let's start there 

start with perfectionism. Perfectionism is the mindset that I've got to get something done and get it done. Absolutely. Right. I have got no leeway. If I get 1 little thing wrong, I'm going to work really hard to try and get that 1 little thing wrong.

I'm not going to put anything out there.

And so it would be like a musician, not, not even engaging in putting out their music until they're sure that every single note is played exactly how they intended. Now, with that, there's some practice, there's some rehearsal, there's some things to do to be able to grow. But [00:05:00] perfectionism is really going to be the brake that keeps you from accepting and getting started and getting ignited into moving.

See, if you've got to have it absolutely perfect, you're stopping before you can get it started. Yeah, and when I started my coaching journey, coach kept repeating, better done than perfect. You see, to actually do something, at least get it out there, get it started, rather than sitting back. It's also interesting that the opposite side of the coin of perfectionism, There's gonna be procrastination or I, I, I'm not satisfied with how things are.

I'm not even getting the energy to get ignited, to get moving, and I'm certainly not accelerating into what it is I'm supposed to be doing. Instead, I, I'm pulling back, I'm putting it off. I'm saying things aside. Now I'm procrastination is something in my life. I, I've certainly, yeah, ha have some things where I have issues.

I have a lifelong history of trying to. Yeah, I put [00:06:00] things off. I'll get to it tomorrow. It's just too much energy today. And these kinds of things where then it all stacks up and piles up at the end, and then you got a mountain to get through rather than dealing with what you got to do. Perfectionism and procrastination really are a significant obstacle, and some of that obstacle comes from what's going on inside and what we believe about ourselves and even what we believe about what we need to do.

That's exactly the point, too, and I love the Point that you're kind of equating perfectionism with procrastination. 'cause from the outside it doesn't look like those two should be the same thing. But ultimately that's what you're doing when you're trying to wait for the plants to align. You're waiting for this specific thing to happen before you get started.

Oh, it's, it's not happening yet. It's not the right time. So we'll just wait for the right time to happen. But I think you and me both know that right time never really does happen. 

No, the best way to start is to start, see. Yeah, if I, I [00:07:00] didn't, sometimes there is a right time, I can give you an example that in a minute, but sometimes you just got to start and engage, and to, to begin.

And if you got it wrong, you can adjust, you can create, you can refine, you can expand, you can grow. None of us started doing things perfectly. There's not 1 thing that you ever did that when you started, you got a perfect. And if you are dead, then you've got some raw talent that was just able to be there.

Now there's some musicians like that, perfect pitch, this kind of thing. So there is a real small percentage of folks that have one thing that they, they're skilled and talented enough, gifted by God to be able to do that without a whole lot. And the rest of us, we work, we start, we didn't start walking perfectly.

We didn't start speaking perfectly. And so on and so forth. It's a learning process. It's a growing process. But sometimes [00:08:00] we don't get that growth mindset. We don't get even the life mindset. We look at that could go wrong. I'm stuck, I can't change, this is too hard. Or, looking for just the right time.

Sometimes there is the right time. In terms of when I got my doctoral degree. I've been doing, like I said, mental health for a long, and it was, I said, I'd like to get a, I start with a master's degree. It'd be nice to get a doctoral degree, but, there's money, there's time, we ended up, at a, a conference where, where, there was a lot of education for Christian mental health professionals and did there, and there was a booth, this particular degree that, was reasonably affordable, And did not require what I didn't need and what I didn't need was a continued experience and practicums and the like I just needed to get the doctoral degree to be able to advance myself and grow.

This degree, right time, right person, and actually in terms of right time, right place, right [00:09:00] person in that whole program, and when I finished up, actually, they decided to close it down and do something else. So it was just the opportune times and sometimes there are opportune times and moments, but that's all a matter of you don't get those.

If you're not going places, you're not doing things. You're not, you don't have the spark and you don't engage and you're not even thinking about things. We're just waiting back and going. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to get that money somehow. I'm going to get me a job. Answers come my way and you don't do anything to pursue it or say, yeah, someday I'd like to start a business, but no, no, I mean, I'm not time yet.

See, I discovered entrepreneur. You actually have to have the spark to engage. You have to have a thought that this is something I'd really like to do. And I've got skills to do it and I got skills to learn to do it. Yeah. So it's engaging and they can, the steps, if you're not [00:10:00] ignited, you, if you're not motivated, you, you'll not accelerate and you'll go nowhere fast.

And when you do go nowhere fast, then you retreat and yeah, things spiral into a negative hole.

That's awesome. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. And it really, a lot of us find ourselves doing that to ourselves. And it's really hard to overcome that sometimes for the people that can't get across the start line with that perfectionism.

But just, it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do something to get across the start line. Whether it's just read a book, whether it's just talk to somebody. The snowball will start rolling and you start realizing you are making movement. And that will give you the confidence to keep going and keep going and keep going.

www. microsoft. com So what happens if go ahead? 

Is it psychologically what is really down to is that inertia principle? You see we tend to stay in the state we are until something energizes sparks [00:11:00] us to get it to make a change So if you're moving you're going to be moving if you're not moving you're going to hold back And and as we get to even the other, other, other stopping points, the other hurdles, we're going to see this pattern as well with them.

Exactly. So what do we do when we have a significant other or someone that says, I don't want you to do anything until this time is perfect. Does that I mean, that's actually what happened to me when I first got it started. So I was wondering if you had any insights on that. 

You work. To balance and negotiate and I've certainly got limits here, in terms of starting out my journey as an entrepreneur, I got I mentioned the coaching system, but I got hooked in that coaching system and they were promoting the, the, the summit system.

And yeah, you'll be able to do that. You'll get clients, all that. It didn't work out quite. They did. I spent a good chunk of change getting it going. My wife says, now I told you and now I get, I told you so the amount of money I've got to put in to continuing these things is [00:12:00] much smaller than the large chunk of change I put in at the beginning to something that I learned from.

But it wasn't the right fit. And what they said wasn't true for the kind of people I'm reaching out to. So you gotta work and negotiate with those that are in your life. And so they say now, in that time let's try within your relationship, know the, the person you're with and what they respond to respect them and, but try and work and get them to understand.

And so it may slow you back a little bit while you're, you're trying to get them along, and see some positivity if you. You can get them the heart of who you are and your message and get them here. This is what we're going to do. This is moving forward. Yeah. We're going to have some struggles to begin with because very few people start off and go and get the business off the ground.

That's, that's not realistic. And, and the coaches that teach that. They're, they're just pulling money so to speak. So you got to do the work, you got to put it in and you got to negotiate [00:13:00] with those that care about you. Yeah. And if they've got their own issues, which they're going to, you already know that, and it's something you already got to work on negotiating and finding a way together to get things moving forward so that when you get the return, when you, when you have been through the process and refined enough to, to things begin, then they can see it, but it's a negotiation to get there. 

All right. Thank you very much. That's a great example. I really appreciate that. We're going to move on to another one of the hurdles, and we're going to talk about imposter syndrome. Now, imposter syndrome itself is really kind of near and dear to my heart because that's the one thing that destifled me.

From moving on to getting to the next part or moving at all, really, it stopped me from getting across start line. I think that's why it kind of, it touches my heart a little bit when I talk about imposter syndrome. So what are some of the signs of imposter syndrome? And how can we spot it? 

Imposter syndrome, and just [00:14:00] explain this for the audience that may or may not know what imposter syndrome is.

Imposter syndrome is okay. I'm gone here. And I've done a little bit. I'm having some success, but you know, I look at it and I go, that's not me. It's I'm wrong. I'm getting some validation from somebody over here, but they don't really know who I am and what I'm going through. This is all just a big show.

And I'm not really authentically me in all this that there's something flawed and broken. That's not seen and understood. See, so imposter syndrome is really a shame based perception of self. And I can't even accept the progress there is that, when even somebody gives you validation. No, no, no, they don't know.

Yeah. If they really, really knew what it was like, they wouldn't be saying that, so that we don't even believe that the good things that we have to put out there that we've been given, that's part of who we created are even valid. And so we get stuck in terms of, that's why you call it an imposter syndrome.

There's [00:15:00] some other me. It's not really me because they don't really know how bad I am. Yeah, and if they really knew if they really knew that you wouldn't even listen to me and I'm surprised anyone's listening to me or paying attention because I expect nothing. I expect to be rejected to someone that's going to come from your personal entries that you've got in terms of your life growing up.

Maybe it's like me with a lot of rejection. I grew up and. I was one of the ones that was picked on all the way from first grade, all the way through high school, private Christian school and public school. It didn't matter. There was something happened. So I've got a lot of that. I was very immature, a whole lot of things in terms of my history through that, things I teach and grow and come from my own experience in terms of, in mental health stuff.

As a starting point, so those rejection wounds, and even as I started in terms of being entrepreneur and my own breaks, even in terms of procrastination and come from my own rejection pieces where, okay, I think I've got that resolved. [00:16:00] And now it's coming up and then, okay, got to slow down. Yeah, I don't know if I'm really going to be able to do this.

Are people really going to attend to me really listen to me so I can hold back and not engage and that's not a matter of perfectionism or procrastination. It's really, am I going to put myself out there? Because I already know that I'm going to get hurt and they're going to reject me before I even get started.

So why bother? I started, I mean, like, when I started with the summits, and I started with the summits, and started with reaching out to men, and Christian men in particular, because, that was part and parcel of things I've been told I'm good at doing, working with really difficult men. That first summit, yeah, I got an email list of 50.

And I really had to beg for the 28 speakers to get involved and, and they didn't like, yeah, and they weren't really at the recommended list of 5000 emails [00:17:00] that didn't fly. And so it was a real slow start. And and that's I could have sat there, see, see, yeah, what's God doing? Why am I doing this?

I'm not going to go anywhere. This is all a waste of time. Didn't go there. It's okay, we'll try again. It slowed me down though. I didn't just go right away. Took me some time and now even recognizing and the 2nd, somebody run, which I got a much better was far more successful, but still not the kind of numbers that would generate being able to pull in people to get my services, but it was a better than the 1st, but it's also started the foundation of where I'm at now.

Yeah, but yeah, then after that worked with seven, I had to, I pulled back a bit and slowed down at the, to recenter myself, really focused on some things, get some things, get a plan and where it moved into, okay, that summit system is not going to work. It was too much money and there's good things for that.

And I will do them [00:18:00] in the future, but I put that aside. It's okay, what do I need to do? I need to work on getting myself out there. Yes. Podcast singer speaking and working on those things and get some pieces established better so that I can move. And this is the process I've been going through as I'm processing what's going on with myself or recognizing what's going on with me, my own wounds and pains and working on that through myself psychologically.

And certainly. Spiritually, with God as well, that's a big part of my life, to, to recognize the value and worth that, that if God generates something for me and puts me in a direction, he's going to see it through and just have to take the steps to find what is it that's going to work.

Within that, I developed in this process last year, which I didn't have until a couple months ago, the life mindset, which is becoming everything about what I'm about in teaching. It's kind of like, suddenly I've got it in terms of [00:19:00] what is the key that's going to help draw in and by engaging, by evaluating, by looking and seeking and finding what is it that's going to work, taking the time to reflect.

And then when you're flat to engage in, okay, what is it that I need to work on? What is it I need to refine? What is it I need to clarify? Where's my level of faith? What am I committed to? And what's my support coming alongside me with? To have those things that enable you to pull you going to add and multiply towards, what you've already started.

Yeah, it makes perfect sense. Um, what are some best practices that we can do to get our mindset right about imposter syndrome? 

So the real skill to utilize is to be able to engage in reflection. Now, reflection comes to, [00:20:00] you have to have some awareness. So in terms of mental health, in terms of emotions, whatever, you get all this out there.

I said, be mindful, practice mindfulness. You see a problem with mindfulness though, is that it's observing. You don't really get any answers. In fact, they tell you not to judge how you're feeling. And when you're through an emotion in a moment, and there's a time to ride through the emotion and let it settle.

But in order to figure out what's going on, you've got to be able to reflect because our emotions are accused what's going on internally within us. Those wounds that are there, the ones that are there. We don't even know why we're doing what we're doing because it's automatic because these things happen.

So you have to slow down and not just know what you're feeling, be aware of it, but also take time to reflect. That's, asking those questions, what we call critical thinking, but critical thinking to sort out what's going on with you, asking the, why, why am I responding to say what's going on with me?

Where's the connection and not just start at one level, go deeper. And if you get [00:21:00] stuck, don't just say, okay, I don't know. It just kind of what's the 1st thing that comes to mind and then explore deeper until you get there. And if you have a hard time doing that yourself, then certainly get professionals to help you work through that process, a psychotherapist, mental health professional, what have you, but these are things and skills that you can actually utilize to move yourself through a process of refinement.

And so it you got some ideas, then you want to refine it. You want to work on understanding it better. You're making that things more clear, find ways to make sure that I'm in alignment with what is right and then be able to, in turn, optimize what's working best and get https: otter. ai Let go of the things that aren't and that's whatever skill that you use in terms of doing that whatever matches you Is going to help you but just be able to sort out process.

He does the same with the business, right? So you start the business and it's not working you do the same [00:22:00] thing if you do the same thing, you might tweak it a little bit, but it probably isn't going to have the same effect. You're going to have to take a look and say, what might work? What do I need to refine?

What do I need to let go of? What do I need to pursue? And what do I need to set forward? To be able to get to where I'm wanting to go. I mean, the ones that, you know, even teaching the beginners, like myself and others. How to start are those that are all about scaling. And some of them are, are teaching you things that are sound and others are just, they're repeating the same old line that they were told by somebody else.

And they're just looking to get the money and they're really not invested in you. So you be careful out there, fellow entrepreneurs, because there, there's so many shady folks out there. And some that are well intentioned, but, but, they just want to find the ones that really follow their program and the rest get filtered out.

And they found the ones that they can help make money. Yeah, that's the coaching program I invested in was part of what they do. Yeah, find the ones that are already [00:23:00] prepared. That's sore. And the rest, okay, you'll move on. We got your money and we just want to find the ones that are already narrowed in and already able to get there.

That's why it's important to do your research on these people before you actually spend that kind of money. Cause it's going to be a heck of investment in yourself, but at the same time, it's going to be in somebody else's pocket. So make sure it's going to be something that's going to be worth getting.


Making it sound like it's worth getting, but they don't give you the full picture. Yeah, how much you do this, but it's a starting coaching and doing courses, whatever you don't tell you about. Okay. You can start with some software that doesn't cost you much, but to really do it, you got to really get a good, good funnel system and and system do the courses.

That's going to cost some money. And you got all these other softwares out there that you add on to that can add up real fast. Outside of what you already paid for coaching, or whatever other business that you're, you're pursuing. You mean if you're selling items, you mean there's a whole [00:24:00] lot of technicalities in terms of, you can't just pop up a store on the online and you make money selling, even though people will tell you that doesn't happen.

You can't just craft a book and pop it on Amazon and have people buy it. And even now with the AI, people can generate a book that they've got no input in that the computer program put out and generate it and pop it out there and try and sell it. Yeah, 

that is happening more and more these days. So we got to keep an eye out for that.

So I hope that actually helps somebody as far as imposter syndrome is concerned and how do we can, kind of change our mindset on how we can fix that in ourselves. So it doesn't bother us so much. We're not going to completely. I don't think we're ever going to completely get rid of imposter syndromes in our head in 1 place or another, but we could definitely do something about kind of getting our head straight and being able to cope with it.

Right. And it's getting the head straight as well as the [00:25:00] heart and the wholeness of who you are as a person. You see, you're doing the work to engage and be willing to engage in the refinement and growth process. It's not a one and done. You see, I talk about life mindset. Life mindset for me is not about, yeah, I understand life.

I got that. It's an ongoing connection to, to where life is flowing. To be able to see what, where life is connected with me, with me, that includes the relationship with God, but am I in the flow? Am I doing what I am supposed to be about? Am I in alignment with who I was made to be and doing the work to get there, the growth and continual refinement?

It's not ever a one and done. You grow and you learn, just like we grow and learn growing up in school and the things we learn in school, learning to speak, learning to do the next step, learning to drive, learning to work, all these things. That are progressive process and all in our mindset, getting our mind right is how I'm seeing the world as a whole.

What am I filtering through my filtering through the [00:26:00] imposter syndrome by filtering it through all sorts of other things, some of which you may be a victim mindset where I'm not. Yeah, I've been hurt so much. I can't ever do anything because I just do that. I'm going to be hurt. People get stuck in that.

And so they get helpless and hopeless and don't ever progress because they've already stuck and they've already dismissed themselves before they get going right lead into the failure and fear elements that you've got as the other other pillars that are connected 

to that, right? Actually, that's what I was going to go next into was failure.

Failure is something and there's a reason why I kind of combine. I mean, they're different, but same at the same time. But I tend to kind of combine fear and failure. I mean, all these things that we talk about all come culminate around fear. I mean, these are all different types of fears, but one thing I always hear about is a fear of failure.

So can you kind of explain that kind of interaction? 

Fear of failure. It means that I want something. [00:27:00] Really, really bad and I'm not going to get it. So why even bother? I mean, dismissing yourself is already, rather than taking a look at, I'm going to be able to learn and pursue and maximize that, I'm not even going to try.

Not thinking now, sometimes when you have limits, for example, I'm not really good at racket sports. No, no. I, Of the chaos I grew up in, my mother always instilled in me, you try, at least try something. You try this and have me try all sorts of hobbies and see what things forget. But in terms of racquet sports, my vision, my depth perception, the way I see things, I just can't do well at that.

And I tried, even in college, I played racquetball. I didn't do I mean, I did it, but there's just a depth perception holes and things where that's not hand eye. So I could keep trying at that and I may get a little bit better, but I'm never going to do it very well. And in my mind, sometimes I even bother because I can't, but then I put myself in a position to at least try taking a racquetball in college, but [00:28:00] if you've got a failure, I'm not even going to try and that's not something I can do.

You may not learn it. Maybe you keep yourself from something that actually connects with you. It's man, I didn't know how much that is true to me because I didn't even try because I figured, I just can't. They tell me I can't. I got messages that say I can't. And so I don't want to be hurt.

See, all of this, what we do, we want to avoid pain. We want to avoid harm. And we want things that are pleasurable and do well, but we don't really want the work in between. We want the things to go well, just automatically given to us without the work to grow to get there. See, part of the fuel failure, it comes from, though, as well, what Dweck would call a fixed mindset, where I see these limits, and there's only so far I can go, and I'm not capable of [00:29:00] change.

That's not something I can do. And now, yeah, Duet Quotidien, all change, growth mindset, you can, you can change and grow in anything. Not 100 percent accurate because we all got limits. There's things that we can I can't, I, I could practice racquet sports till I'm blue in the face.

I'm not going to do well. You sat and asked me to cut in a straight line. I can't do that. My coordination, I can't cut straight. I can't even cartoon. I can't even try color in the lines. In fact, when I was a kid, yeah, I had an assignment, teacher may have said it wouldn't pass me until I colored in the lines.

My mother finally had my brother sit down and do it in order to get me to pass because there's no way on earth I was going to have colored in lines. It just wasn't there and still can't to this day. So yeah, we got some limitations, but discovering your limitations and accepting your weaknesses for what they are is certainly part of embracing life, not just growing and saying, I can change, but also looking at the things you do wrong and fail, not as [00:30:00] things that are judgment on you.

Or some pain, but something that it teaches me something and enables me to refine something so that I can know what works and what doesn't work. Just like I started business like the summits and it didn't work quite well in a failure. Did I have it all wrong about trying to move into a new way of doing things?

Or am I just supposed to do do the things I've been doing? See, if I if I let the fears and the failures get in the way I just be working my jobs. I mean, keep working the 60 hours until I get retirement age. And then I can't retire because I still got to work because I have no real money to live on.

And so then I, I work until I can't anymore or doing age of finding the ways to build up an income that I'm able to do. Which is impetus on the ignition point for me in becoming an entrepreneur to be able to get some point where, Lord willing, I've got enough foot in that I get a return that enables me to let go of the things I've been doing and [00:31:00] embrace where it is, where it's bringing enough harvest for me to be productive.

But if I just operate, what's not working, I'm failing and I give up and shut it all down. Then, I'm just going to be striving and struggling for going nowhere. 

Yeah, that's fantastic information. That's, that hits me right, right in the heart too, because that's kind of what happened to me on a couple of things where I started doing something and I realized that it's not working out the way I wanted to.

So I just kind of threw my hands up in the air. I said, okay, I'm not going to do this. Where if I continued on and maybe just pivoted or changing something a little bit different, but continue going. Gosh knows what I'd be doing right now. That might be better. And that's, I mean, that's one of the reasons why I started the podcast too, because I realized this is something I could continue, pivot with, and it's in my zone of genius.

It, I can't, I, I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't fear it anymore. I mean, getting on, getting on, a [00:32:00] camera and things like that, that's getting over feared to begin with. But now I've taught myself to instead of kind of shying away from fear, but actually moving towards fear. If I fear it, I have to do it because on the other side of that fear, I know is something that's going to be real good for me.

And I'm not going to have that regret.

On that fear, think of it as you will, that in order to progress, that you're standing at the top of a bridge. Yeah. Okay. And we're, I'm in Minnesota. So yeah, people can get on bridge and they jump in the lake. Okay. Sitting on the bridge, looking to jump in the lake.

You're going to have all sorts of anxiety. You're going to have all sorts of fear. You're going to have this going on. But when you take the jump, it's exhilarating and you get there. And sometimes. That is the way it is. Sometimes we just have to face challenges and get over ourselves. I've certainly had those things in my life.

See, given my, my, my history, which I'm not going to go into, but, as a young man, I was phobic of women. I didn't marry my wife until the mid thirties and she's the only one I've been with, but I had a lot of work to do on my fears [00:33:00] related to, to responding to women. And I'd worked in a process and a healing journey within that, but there were steps I had to take.

And when there's steps you have to take, there's some anxiety, there's some, yeah, I got to do this. No, I don't want to do this. Okay. Yeah. I got to do this. And you take this step and you move forward. And once you move forward, okay. I finally did that. And then you move on to the next. That's even how it is with, with change and growth.

Sometimes you got this barrier, you got this thing that's getting in the way and you got some work to do and you kind of hold back. No, I'll just stay here. I'll just camp out here because that's too scary. And then you settled and you stagnate and you don't get what you can get. Yeah. Yeah. But if you push through the fears, and the anxiety, and the fear of failure, you're able to get to the other side, and you're able to say, okay, I got here, and then you got a whole nother set of things to learn and grow until you get to the next step of the journey.

It's either progressing. And if you're not progressing, you're going to be sliding down and you're gonna be caught in what I call your negative spirals of things that spiral you into the destructive [00:34:00] elements of your life. And that's hard to rise up from, but you can always pick up and restart. You see, a part of what I do right now is working with addicts.

They're always relapsing. It's hard to get them to move forward and to change. But there's some that are going there, they're moving, they're progressing. Others are saying, nope, not gonna do it, and I'm just riding out my time until I get my own place, my own job, and they end up dead sooner or later.

Yeah, yeah, exactly. 

, one thing I, I'm gonna wrap things up here a little bit, but before we go, I would like to see if, do you have an overall, like last word you'd like to say about any of the four hurdles that we've talked about today? 

So to wrap up, you're right. And fear is behind a lot of this. And in terms of moving beyond fear, moving forward, where are you looking for your security?

Where are you looking for life and what are your love beliefs in terms of that? Because fear is out there in scripture and say [00:35:00] perfect love casts out fear. So engage in the process of sorting through yourself and be able to find a way for you that's going to help you move forward in life, what I would call a life mindset, which is being able to take in what you got and what you've been given.

And you receive that and be able to, in turn, then refine, figure out what is going on, what works, what doesn't work. And then you release it, you let go of the things that get in the way, you maximize and optimize the things of value that you can, in turn, use to bless others. Because it's not about me, it's about all of us.

And that's really in terms of embracing life and embodying life and the kinds of things that you've got that's possible for you. It's going through that process, looking at life in such a way that I'm going to find whatever I've been given and work to the best to be able not just to grow my own little world, but to find ways to bless others and in turn multiplies and moves on 

from there.[00:36:00]

Fantastic. It's all about helping others really in the end. And then in turn they will help us in one way, shape or form. So that's great. That's amazing. All right Tim, Dr. Tim, I would like you to go ahead and just advertise yourself. This is your time to shine now. I want you to, if we want to know more about what you do and how we want to get ahold of you for services.

So my services and my website's life mindset dot life real easy to remember. Yeah, it's all about life. So life mindset dot life and you go website, you can get a free primer. I'm finishing up holding up that, but that'll be available free primer on life. Mindset goes into some of the details. Also, I'm involved in a life success forum and I've got a book I put together, a devotional book, uses some scriptural, uses some psychology, and also some quotes that works through, life success principles, and it's not a book [00:37:00] meant to be read to learn, it's about helping you move through and processing and taking time to sort through yourself on things like authenticity, originality, connection, which are the.

Really three life success. So there you go to life success gift dot life mindset dot life. You can connect the form to get that for free on my website. I'll have it up for 1495, but for people and it's 100 and some pages that were crafted together, but it's 12 segments of really reflective. Yeah, writings as well as reflective exercise.

The things I talked about in terms of reflection, it works you through just some directions to help yourself on that. So that's available for folks to free. So that's the free stuff. And I've got 2 things that people can do if you want to know yourself better. Yeah, I've got a process to tell people and it's a shorter process.

It involves some questionnaires and some things to begin to get you thinking about [00:38:00] yourself. And then have a conversation with me to help you put that together. And which you will include, by the way, for folks that wonder if you're ADHD, I got quick screening. I can do to tell you if you are or not. Just just a little thing there.

So I've got that available. I've also. Yeah, I got a more extended coaching to really about growing life mindset about these kinds of things I talk about and the real in depth about really working on yourself to get you to a place of life different than you are now, I've got actually five 50 day segments for that where, where people, do five days of 50 days of real intensive work and a whole, whole five segments of that in the course of a year.

If you choose to invest in that, or you just want one segment, that's fine. So those are the things I'm offering at this point that things are in the work and I'm doing what I can to expand myself, but you can go to the website and check that out and websites still in process of refinement.

It's not perfect [00:39:00] yet by any means. But it's, it started and I'm still refining that, but look forward to anybody that wants to connect and know more, you can find me at the website and again for, for the reflective book that life success gift, life, life, mindset, life, and, and website for the, the other stuff.

Yeah, thanks so much Jesse for for this time. I enjoyed the conversation and certainly he also if anyone wants that you forgot about this on on Facebook. I have a public Facebook group Discover Life Mindset. So you don't want to go to the website, you don't want to ever, you just want to, you're on Facebook and you just want to kind of see what I have to say, you ask me questions, whatever you can find me, Tim Blake on there, but Discover Life Mindset, it's a public group easily, easily found that you can certainly join as well.

And you don't have to worry about anything else if you want to stay on the edges and the [00:40:00] shallow end, so to speak. 

Fantastic. And all that good stuff we'll actually have in the show notes for y'all to just go ahead and click on that. If you want to get more information about Dr. Tim and what he's offering.

Thank you very much for all that free free information that you're putting out there that will definitely help a lot of our screw believers out there that want to kind of dive in a little bit deeper what you have to offer. So I appreciate you very much. Dr. Tim. 

I appreciate you. Justin. It's been a pleasure.

And anytime in terms of anything that you, you wanna explore further, have further discussion, hit me up, I'd certainly be glad to, engage in whatever you wanna discuss 

further. Alright. Alright, scuba labors, thank you for another great episode. And make sure you stay tuned for the wrap up.

Alright everybody. Thank you. Bye-Bye. 

All right, ladies and gentlemen, that was Dr. Tim Blake. Great conversation about the four hurdles of stop. What stops us from getting across the start [00:41:00] line and a couple of things. I just want to kind of go over with you a little bit and we talk about fears and avoiding fears and instead of avoiding your fears, move towards your fears because on the other side of those fears, like something extraordinary, That you might regret for not pushing forward to get over those fears.

If we don't take that chance. If we don't take that calculated chance, 

we could be missing out on the one thing

that catapults us in our entrepreneur adventure. Also life isn't about being perfect. I mean, I've said this before, I've said it again, there's nothing perfect about what we actually do here. There isn't anything perfect about this from the start. It's about taking that first step. Imperfect step and refining yourself through each failure until you become what you're [00:42:00] meant to be.

Because each of those failures is going to be a stepping stone into what you are meant to be. Don't be afraid to take those leaps. Don't be afraid to take those steps. It's all going to lead to where you're supposed to be and greatness. And with that, I'm going to say, thank you very much for another episode of the undiscovered entrepreneur, get across the start line and I will see you next week. Goodbye, everybody.

 And there you have it future entrepreneurs. We've taken another step towards our journey to get across that start line. Remember every great business starts with a single idea and the courage to pursue it. You've already shown that courage by joining us here today. As we wrap up this episode of the Undiscovered Entrepreneur, I want to remind you that the start line isn't as far away as you might think.

With each bit of knowledge you gain, each fear you face, you're getting closer to launching your dream. [00:43:00] Until our next episode together, keep pushing, keep dreaming, and most importantly, keep taking those steps across the start line. They'll all add up to big strides in your entrepreneur adventure. This is Scoob, your guide across the star line.

Remember, your future is waiting. I can, I am, I will, and I'm doing it today.