Nov. 26, 2024

In Conversation with Dr. DeAngelo: Insights into Innovation

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Exploring Innovation Trends and Digital Transformation Insights

In this episode, we delve into the latest trends in innovation, highlighting key developments and strategies for digital transformation. The discussion covers various aspects of how businesses can leverage new technologies to enhance their operations and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. Insights are provided on the implementation challenges and opportunities that come with adopting cutting-edge solutions.

Books mentioned in podcast

 The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster

Five Minds for the Future by Howard Gardner

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks 

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

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 Dr DeAngelo

Dr DeAngelo

[00:00:00] This is an Undiscovered Legacy production.

Hello, Scoob believers, and welcome to episode number 95 on the Undiscovered Entrepreneur Get Across the Start Line. It's me, Scoob! Weeheeheehee! Coming at you with whatever device you happen to be listening on. Alright, so we're just gonna get right into it here. Today's guest is Dr. D'Angelo. Now, Dr.

D'Angelo is a seasoned entrepreneur with a passion for helping others. He has firsthand experience in navigating the ups and downs of business from early ventures all the way up to

multi million dollar enterprises. He's a visionary with a keen eye for identifying opportunities and developing innovative solutions. His ability to think outside the box has allowed him to create successful businesses in a variety of different industries. But beyond his entrepreneur pursuits.

Dr. D'Angelo is a dedicated mentor and coach. [00:01:00] He shares his knowledge and experiences to empower others to achieve their own entrepreneurial dreams. So let's listen to Dr. D'Angelo.

 Are you ready to unlock your entrepreneur potential? Are you ready to break free from all the barriers holding you back? Then you've come to the right place. Welcome to the Undiscovered Entrepreneur, your first step in getting across the start line.

I'm your host and guide Scoop, and I'm here with one mission. To help you overcome the obstacles standing between you and the start of your adventure. Whether you're dreaming of launching a startup, creating the next big app, or turning your passion into a thriving business, this podcast is your launchpad.

Together we'll navigate the challenges, Overcome hidden boundaries that stop us from starting and learn how to overcome them with the help of others. Experience them right along with you. So are you ready to take [00:02:00] that crucial step to transform from aspiring to inspiring? Then let's get across that start line together right here, right now on the Undiscovered Entrepreneur.

Salutations, Scoob believers! And we are here again with another amazing entrepreneur. Today we're here with Dr. D'Angelo. Hi, Dr. D'Angelo. How's it going? Alright. 

Going well, it's going well. How's everything going for you? 

Oh, fantastic. Thank you so, so much for taking the time out of your day and being the Undiscovered Entrepreneur.

I super appreciate your time. 

Absolutely. I'm more than willing to give you my time to help your community and your followers learn some things that help them grow and go to the next level. 

All right. Speaking of speaking of followers, I do need to ask you kind of a semi serious question. Okay.

You're ready? 

Yeah, let's go for it. 

All right. Are you a school believer? 

Yes, [00:03:00] I am.

so much for being a school believer, Dr. Angel. I really appreciate you. All right. So what I'd like to do here is just kind of get an idea of, of who you are besides, knowing your name and kind of what your entrepreneur adventure is and what actually got you across the start line in your entrepreneur adventure.

So the first thing I'd like to tell anyone about me is that I'm a visionary and that makes the journey makes sense when it comes to entrepreneurship, because business and entrepreneurship is something that I was always attracted to it. And it was, it was ideal for me to travel that route.

I haven't experienced, what it was like seeing my mom, kind of make money on her own without a job and my father also. So, so, for me, my experience has been like, and I have to be honest. It's been the rockiest experience I ever could, could I can't, it's not a perfect, , that dream win big all the time.

It's, it's not that, and , it's not, it's so unideal and unrealistic to, to share, any wisdom that would help or make anyone [00:04:00] believe that that's what it is. So, for me, I started in entrepreneurship probably when I was a kid me and my sister and my brother, we sold candy on our front porch.

In the neighborhood. So that was, that was my first taste of what it was like to have a transaction with someone in exchange for goods and services for what essentially is monetary gain to afford a different opportunity. But then as I got older, I studied business in my bachelor's program.

And then, I just like I always pay attention to systems with business and one of the things that stood out to me in that program when I got my bachelor's were the different type of systems. How businesses operate, like there's different types of bureaucracies that align with whatever your service, your product, the experience that you're providing, or even the knowledge that you're, you're, you're selling to the public, it's all designed in the system.

So, and there's a lot to say right now, but you know, it'll make sense throughout the journey. And what I've been able to experience was. Having the failures and the success all along my road and my journey of entrepreneurship by not [00:05:00] understanding how to properly apply a system to a specific service or product.

Yeah, that's a, that's amazing. Nothing we do here is perfect. I could say that 100%. There's nothing we do in entrepreneurship or anything else that's always 100 percent perfect. And if you're waiting for that 100 percent perfect to happen, you're going to be waiting a really long time.


There's some people who are the exception to the rule. They luck up with, the, with the timing of, a new, a new venture that, that works out and, but that's, that's unrealistic. It just doesn't happen. It's almost the equivalent is winning a lottery. Buying a winning lottery ticket, like it's very far for you in between.

That's for sure, that's for sure. And it looks like we had a similar childhood when it comes to, starting early and wanting to be an entrepreneur and learning how to make those transactions. When I was growing up my, the first time anything like that happened to me, I my dad gave me 10 bucks and we went out to the flea market, right?

And I went out and did my thing and I came back with two armfuls of stuff and still had [00:06:00] five bucks. And I was like, what do I do with all this stuff? I just, I had a yard sale. I went out there. I just threw my stuff on the lawn and said five bucks here, 10 bucks there. And I actually made a killing.

I don't know if that was cute or if I was actually doing good. But from then on, it was like the candy sales, the magazine sales, the editing went to school. Then later on, I was part of the FBLA, the future business leaders of America. And then it just kind of took off from there. So I think we really, as far as that aspect has, we actually had a pretty similar childhood.

Yeah. Yeah. And it's interesting. Like you, you never know, you never know what you're learning in real time is going to become something or wisdom for, a time in the future. So you don't like when you're experiencing, it seems like it's the fun thing to do, or you're learning something new, but it makes sense years later when you realize you've been introduced to something that you now need and you didn't even realize it, until.

Time comes and I was like, Oh, it's here. It makes sense now. You know what they say? 2020 is a hindsight. Everything always makes sense when you look [00:07:00] back and never make sense in the moment or looking forward. 

Exactly. Exactly. And you make a great point about systems. You got to have those systems put together so you know where you're going.

So you have that blueprint blueprint or guideline to move you along. Now, a lot of people that I talk to talk about SOPs or standard operating systems or standard operating procedures, I guess it's so it fits. Yeah. Do you have a kind of a booklet or do you have anything that you set for yourself to set up your own SOPs that we might be able to learn from?

That's, I'm, I'm glad you asked that. So our SOP, that's, that's not foreign language or acronym to me 'cause I'm a veteran and everything that we did was according to the SOP and whatever the, the AR is, or the, the army regulation or DOD or do department of Defense Regulation.

So. How I set my SOP up is, is, is basically, it has to, first of all, it has to start with the legality of everything. What are the expectations of me to be able to employ any system first? [00:08:00] And then I build my system based on the expectations that are required by the county, the state, the city, or the federal government, or even tax code.

So those are the first things I look at when I set up an SOP. And then I want to also, the first thing I'm going into is okay, my system is going to be designed based on the needs of someone else. So if I'm going to have a whatever my system is, it has to first benefit whoever my primary or secondary customer is, which is essentially my target audience and what practices do I want to employ that will keep them engaged with what it is that I have to offer.

And then I align my principles with the vision and then with the principles of vision, that's when I get into, okay, my rule book, because when you build a system, you're not doing it by yourself. You're going to need help. So you want people to be the people that you bring on board. They essentially represent the brand of who and what you are as not just an individual, but a business.

So they have to be able to uphold the integrity of not just [00:09:00] your product, your service, your knowledge, and experience that you're providing. They have to uphold the integrity of the brand itself because that's what people are buying into. 

Exactly. Exactly. The integrity of the brand, everything that you said, everybody, I hope you got that.

I hope you wrote it down. 

Don't let them admit, don't, don't let that one. It might seem like it's insignificant, but it's not because it's not. If you, if you don't have that system in play, then your business becomes transactional. And then the moment the transaction slowed down, you'll get discouraged. And then you can't go forward because you're going to feel like you're failing.

And then you're going to think, Oh I maybe this wasn't for me. No, it was, you just didn't do what was required of you first. So the, it's the most attractive thing about businesses. What it can, what it can provide to you down the line, how you fulfill your why. But the problem is your why can't be fulfilled without the why of the people that you're serving first.

And that's a, that's actually a point I always like to make is to make sure you serve first 

and then 

[00:10:00] everything else kind of falls into place after that. But if you do it the other way around, it just don't work. 

Absolutely. Absolutely. 

All right. So. You know that most of my listeners are brand new entrepreneurs, but what do you think stops a lot of new entrepreneurs from getting across the start line in their entrepreneur adventure?

Oh, that's, that's a good question. There's actually three things I think that are most important. I think you have to break the concept of time because the, the traditional, the traditional work life is, anywhere between 4 a. m. to sometimes p. m. unless there's like schedules, just the way, the way the, the consumer market is designed, Shapes our business structure.

So you have to break your concept of time because you can get a lot done in three hours, as opposed to stretching it all out over the course of eight or nine. So you have to break your concept of time. The next thing you want to do is you have to, and this is probably the most important thing.

Don't buy into everything that everyone has to offer you to help you grow because you're buying into something that you [00:11:00] still Don't have a system in place to maintain. So you won't see a return on investment, although you'll have the tools and the knowledge and the information is great, but you want to be able to turn over step by step all along the process.

You don't want to buy into something that you're going to have to work two or three times as hard to recover from. And then now your business is, two, three, four, five years behind because you made a poor investment. So that's extremely important. And then the other thing, is the most important thing as a beginner, you got to be patient.

You're new to it. So there's a myriad of things that you have to learn. Don't buy into, or you can like one of the things that that's, that's damaging , the integrity of entrepreneurship or just business in America is the instant gratification. So I can sell you the success first, and then make you suffer the pain that you're going to go through anyway.

That's going to discourage you from stopping anyway. And now, because I've told you, I'm going to go forward and fulfill my plans because you bought into what is essentially marketing [00:12:00] manipulation because it's the art of psychology. So get with someone who's willing to take their time and spend their time, which would teach you.

So if you don't have a coach, if you don't have a mentor, you're probably going to fail forward as Darren Hardy would say, which is not a bad thing, but there's just things that you can avoid that, you're not going to avoid the failure. That's a part of the process, but you don't want to, you don't want to self destruct because of your, your, and take this with a grain of salt, your ignorance.

 You don't want to crumble and crush , your inner identity because something externally didn't work out because you were left unprepared. And that's, that's my heart goes out to, startups and, I want everyone to know, like it's, it's a process.

It's a journey and it's a journey for a reason. It's honestly, it's the way God intended it. It wouldn't, it wouldn't be worth it if you, if you could have it all immediately or within the first two years, it just doesn't make sense. 

Yeah, absolutely. You know, ignorance is not really 100 percent a bad thing.

It's just as a way of saying, I don't know this [00:13:00] yet, but I still have the capability of finding out about it. And then I can go ahead and move on from there. And then you make a great point about being patient. That's a huge, huge thing for right? I don't know if you've heard the the story of the Chinese bamboo tree.

Have you heard of that at all? 

No, I'm not familiar. Okay. 

So this is great. The Chinese bamboo tree starts as a nut. When you put this nut in the ground, it takes 5 years for it to actually grow. But if you stop watering it and stop fertilizing anytime within that process, that seed will die. Now, after that five years, after that fifth year, that bamboo tree will grow in six weeks, 90 feet tall.

So did we, did that thing grow? And six weeks or did it grow in five years? And obviously it grew in five years because we took the time to nurture. We took the time to grow it. We took the time to, to water it. And we [00:14:00] could, we could use that information in our entrepreneur adventure. It's going to take time to actually get it to where it needs to go.

Yes, correct. And a part, a part of that process, a part of going through that journey, to, to reference, your, your analogy is. Along that process, that's your opportunity to be innovative because that's what's going to stand the test of time. You have to you have to be a forward thinker to say, OK, my business is going to be here in five years.

OK what can you do differently along that five years that are helping to grow to the 10 year mark? And when you get to the 10 year mark, what can you do beyond that to get to 20 years? Because business is not just for a lifetime. It's supposed to be a generational thing. So what you have to offer is supposed to be able to not just affect people's lives as long as you're living, but even when you when you pass on, you want whatever it is that you have to offer to be so good that it can change lives or it can improve lives over and over and over again through generations.

So essentially what that looks like is being able to offer something that's just [00:15:00] undeniable that people feel is valuable and as convenience and value to them at the same time. 

Yeah, if we could reach that point where we have that generational value, where the next generation and the next generation can have a piece of that.

That's really what it makes. It makes it worthwhile, if not for just us, but for our kids, which I hear in the background,

that's okay. And, and so on and so on, I have actually have two granddaughters now and I'm thinking about not only what can I do for my daughter and help her in her entrepreneur venture because she's working on something right now, but what about her daughters? What about my son's kids?

And so on and so on. So I always kind of keep that in the back of my mind when it comes to what I'm doing now to be able to improve the lives of my next generations and so on. 

Yes, The people that benefit from you as a, as an entrepreneur or business owner, they'll appreciate it because then that's [00:16:00] what, I talk about this a lot.

It's what establishes your legacy. People will always remember, Walt Disney is a perfect example. He's, he's, he's gone. He's not with us anymore. And they're still improving on what was a small, minute plan of his in the very beginning. With a bigger vision down the line and we have some of the most monumental, experiences that we can ever dream of at his theme park.

And not only that, he's established something that's so profound it's in other countries and it brings people together all over the world. Epcot is a perfect example of that, and down in Orlando, I've gone twice and I'm taking my children to help them understand what's actually happening in the world.

It's people coming together to experience moments in time that they're going to want to experience Over and over and over again. And as an entrepreneur, you want to be able to provide that. 

Exactly. Exactly. And that, another thing that you kind of hit on to a little bit earlier, but I want to see if I could kind of go swing back to it here, but your time, time [00:17:00] management is so huge in entrepreneurship.

And I was just kind of curious how you kind of set up your time. And is it something that we could learn from? 

Yeah. Okay. So here's the thing. I've, I've kind of spilled the beans with as much as I can give in this, this period. Choose one day a week for each specific task. So let's say, for instance, if you're in the, if you're in the business, let's say you have a dessert that you sell to your local market or something like that.

You want to pick a day where you do nothing but prepping for the cook day. So you want to make sure your supplies is organized. You got everything you need down to the highest and the lowest quantity. Then you choose a day to actually cook. Then you choose a day to deliver. Then you choose a day, a day to rest.

And then you choose a day to game plan on how to make your product better. Then you choose a day to go spend time at the place that you're selling your product at to see what type of what type of customer [00:18:00] engagement your product is getting. At that location, it'll help you to understand more about what it is that you have to offer.

Like for example, if I were to take, if I were to take muffins to and my wife does this, so, do I drop her muffins off at a, she makes vegan, vegan treats. So I take them to a coffee shop and sometimes I'll stop in there just to have, some tea and I don't want anything. I just want them to see what, what is the shelf like, like with our product.

And that lets me know what's selling and what's not. You, you want to be more involved, get involved. So pick a day where you can spend time. You can spend time connecting with the people that buy from you and that invest in what it is that you have to offer. So for me, I choose Sundays.

Anyone who wants to get a chance to know me, you got to get to know me on a Sunday. If you want to be in a presentation of what I have to offer, it has to be on a Monday. If you want to be involved in any of my services, it's going to be on a Tuesday or Thursday. If you want to interview to become a part of my, my company, it's going to happen on a Wednesday or Thursday.

 I [00:19:00] set days for specific tasks and it has to happen in a certain time block. So I never do anything business related before 9 AM. And I never do anything business related unless I feel there's something special and valuable to others. After 6 PM, because that's the time I spend with my, my, my family, my wife and my children.

So, and sometimes I may not even get that opportunity, sometimes I'm overloaded with tasks, so, but you want to control your schedule because if you don't, then you'll get, you'll get drowned. You start to drown in it and then you get overwhelmed. And then that's when your mental health and start to take because you're not organized.

You're moving in 1000 different directions at one time and it's not healthy. And it's not, it's not healthy for you. It's not healthy for your family. It's not healthy for your brand. And it's also, it's also it's not healthy for whatever it is that you have to offer because you're not going to give your best.

You're going to give what you can give with the time that you were able to invest in it, which is not a lot because you're overtaxed. 

Exactly. First I wanna say thank you Dr. DeAngelo. 'cause it is after eight 30 and you're on here with me. So I appreciate you taking the extra time to, you said it was [00:20:00] something special, so that made my heart go.

We so , but you know, and every, everything that you named off are all very powerful, but there's one that kind of hits home for me and rest. 

Gotta rest. Got to 


You, you and I know that, there's, there's people who say you can, you, you can sleep later or you can, no, you, you have to, you need balance To be effective, you need to have balance.

You need to have rest. You need to, exercise. You need to, practice good. Habitual hygiene, just like everything. Like it's all one, it's, it's everything that you do, it, it makes a difference. But if you're not rested, you're not gonna be effective. You're not gonna be effective. 

A lot of people think that when you, if you don't rest, there's an extra time that you can do something in that last hour or whatever is instead of sleep.

But when you have that risk, you're so much more efficient that you can have accomplished so much more in that same amount of [00:21:00] time. If you have a proper amount of rest and your brain is working properly and you're running on all cylinders, you'll have so much more done in the hour than you would have.

You would have stayed up and only did half, right? Work. So . Yeah. 

Yeah, that's very true. I had that experience , last week. Just it was, it was, I stayed up till three in the morning preparing a presentation, and then when I got up to get the presentation, I was just like, I don't even wanna be doing this.

And I, and I got through it as best I could, but had I gotten, a little bit more sleep and, and, and life happens, we, we have to give credit, where it's due. Sometimes life just doesn't. Doesn't allow us the time we need to, to, be most effective, but you gotta be intentional about the rest of the piece because, a fresh mind and an ease mind is you, you, you think so much clearly about what it is that you want.

And then you'll start to, you'll start to see your vision manifest in front of you because you've been able to go into the foundation and the building of it effectively, at your, at your, [00:22:00] at the highest interval is what I say, the highest interval of the body. which is, not just the body, but the mind also.

Yeah. And if you don't get that rest, a lot of things, I'm going to kind of use it in a kind of weird way, but your brain abuses a lot of that sleep time to be able to store away information that you've learned in that day or in that time. If you don't give the brain time to follow that away, it starts to back up.

Your brain starts getting foggy. You aren't thinking the way you would normally do. Things are going bad. So that's why a lot of rest is super important. If you can get that six to eight hours of sleep, great. If you can hit that deep sleep, zone, do it. You gotta be able to have that rest to be efficient in your entrepreneur adventure.

Absolutely. I don't know if everyone who's listening knows about who this, this guy is that I'm about to mention, but his name is he's no longer living, but his name is Dick Gregory. American male. He talks about, he talks a lot about the body and how it's designed to [00:23:00] operate. And, he started speaking more about it in his latter years before he passed, but he mentioned something interesting that I learned probably I want to say two years ago.

He said that after the sun goes down, the body is naturally programmed to desire rest within 30 minutes to an hour after the sun completely sets. So if you don't, which is interesting because if you, if you follow that That, that structure, you end up woke at 3, 4 in the morning, energetic, doing a whole lot more, it's so weird how it works, but you, you find, and it's easy to say to, rest, rest, rest, it's unideal for everyone, we have to be, be fair to the audience.

I'm sure you'll resonate with this, but sometimes you can't get the rest because there's a demand that requires it. But still be, if you have a structure, if you have a system, which going back to what we were talking about earlier with business, if you have a system, even when you have to step away from that system for a minute, it's easier for you to fall back into it to maintain that balance where I live.

And because [00:24:00] if you don't have the balances, it's just not. It's just not going to work out. And even if it did work out, you won't even be able to enjoy it. 

Yeah. Cause at the very end of the day, you have to be able to enjoy what you do. Otherwise it just becomes a chore and you don't want to do it anymore.

Absolutely. I'll tell you something so interesting, man. And I, I don't know if you know about the transportation industry, but I had a, I had two businesses in transportation and logistics these past four years, and I made millions of dollars in. People ask me like, why did I, why did I stop doing it?

Cause I made so much money. I walked away from it because it was 14, 18 hour days sometimes. And even when I, went, I, we went, me and my wife and I, we went to Cancun two years ago, we went to Cancun and, I spent a lot of money trying to create a moment that I knew I wasn't going to get again, but I couldn't really enjoy it because I was I couldn't decompress the way I needed to, because I had driven myself so insanely wild.

So, and to put it short, [00:25:00] I walked away from that business for that reason. It took entirely too much time away from me. It took time away from my wife. It took time away from my kids. So that's not, I realized it wasn't working. That's when I started to learn okay, it doesn't matter how successful you are in business is not worth it.

If you can't enjoy your life, because that's what's more important anyway. 

Exactly. So that's, I'll keep that in mind when we're going along entrepreneur adventures or anything else for that matter. Is it worth the sacrifice of the thing? Is it worth the sacrifice of the family? Is it, and if you have to sacrifice your family, then it's not worth doing, especially family on top of anything else.

Yeah. Yeah. And I, I'm proud to admit those shames experiencing, there was a lot of times where I just feel like my children didn't want to be bothering me because they was getting a stressed out version of me. So when you start to see those things, do you know they cause issues in your immediate surroundings?

That's when it's time for you to kind of discover like, okay what am I really doing here? And then, and I always, I, this is the biggest thing I [00:26:00] always tell anyone, I don't know what everyone's religious belief is. If they, anyone subscribes to anything. Keep God first in everything.

If you, if you, if God is involved in it, it's going to work and he'll show you how to navigate it. Navigate through whatever it is, your business idea is because remember your gifts and your talents and treasures. They're not for you. They're for someone else. Because even when we pass away, someone else is going to have it anyway.

So, we have to keep that in mind. Just be intentional about why you're wanting to do what it is that you want to do, because the reward sometimes it's not what you think you're going to enjoy. You 

Yes. Yes. Let's all keep that in mind. I'm going to ask you a different question, but I'm going to put a little spin on it for you.

Okay. I'm sure you've had this question where what is your hardest pitfall or what is the most pitfall blah, blah, blah thing you've always learned to what I like to know is if you ever had a pitfall that you are proud of. I'm glad I had this pitfall because out of this pitfall problem. I had this amazing thing happened in its place.

You ever have anything like that happened to you? Yeah. 

Yeah, you know what? [00:27:00] I, this is a good one, man. I like, I like to be real. I like to be personal. It has to be me and my wife's separation that that broke me. Because it separated me from everything. Not just my, my family, but it also separated me from me being able to keep my structure to maintain my business.

So losing everything that that's near and dear to losing it all helped me rediscover what it is that I really, really, really wanted to do, which is teaching, coaching, train and speak and guide people in the right direction. Because I'm sure you see this a lot, but there's a lot of predators out here in the business world.

And they do not care if you're successful at all. And I, I've been through every emotion. I've had the wins, I've had the losses, but going completely, going completely broke. And walking away from a [00:28:00] multimillion dollar business, that's not easy because it pays for your, your daily living. So, to kind of go in a different direction, like that is that that's the seeing rock bottom.

Will show you everything about who you are to show, to help you get back on the road to go in the direction that you should have been going in in the first place and going through that showed me that that industry was never for me to begin with. 

That happens to a lot of people, we don't want it to happen that way, but sometimes, for us to be able to open our eyes to our situation.

It takes us going all the way to rock bottom to realize what we had before. What we've lost and what we could gain, what new knowledge we can gain from the starting from the bottom and working our way back up again. 

Yeah, yeah, and going through that too, there's, there's, there's other things that I have to look at like what the stress did to my physical health and my, like just a lot, like everything changes.

When you, when you're not, when you're not well, [00:29:00] so you know, a lot of people are scared to fall and fail, but that's honestly, I believe that's where the greatest wisdom is. The greatest wisdom is at the bottom, which is where the root of everything is because from there, everything has to go forward. Once you're at the bottom, you ain't got nowhere else to go, but up.

So don't be afraid of the bottom. Just don't go to the bottom intentionally by making irrational and impulsive decisions. 

 Lot of people will end up sabotaging themselves and end up there at the bottom. And let's, let's not do that. There's no need to actually do that. We could still learn anyway, but if we find ourselves there, we're We know there's only one way from there and that's going up.

I recommend, I recommend this book. Darren Hardy, the entrepreneur rollercoaster entrepreneurship rollercoaster, I believe it's called, but it's one of my favorite books. I read it probably three years into running a successful business and it gave me a greater insight on what it is that I was experiencing.

So I would definitely go get that book and read it. And then also [00:30:00] read Howard Gardner's Five Minds for the Future. That's another good book because it teaches you, some concepts of being innovative, but also leadership. Because when you're running a, when you're running a business every decision that you make, you are the beginning and the end of that decision.

And everyone along the journey who's there to experience that, that moment in that time of growth with you, they're going to be affected by it. And if they're affected by it, in an adverse manner, then you got a greater problem coming in the future that you may not even be able to control because of it.

You've just put something into place that your system has to pivot and adapt to. And they may not be able to adjust as fast as when the problem comes back to you. So, being an entrepreneur, you're a leader and being a leader means being able to properly serve because that's, that's just how it's designed is that it doesn't work any other way.

Entrepreneurship is about service. 

And we go right back to serve first, right? 

Absolutely. No matter where it starts is where it is like this service. Like it's just it just has to happen that way. 

[00:31:00] And I'm going to add one more book to that. If you don't mind too, if you do find yourself in that rock bottom part where we're just it doesn't seem like anything's going right and you're just in that bad place the big leap.

From Gay Hendricks is probably one of the best books. 

Yeah, that's a good one also. 

That book changed my life because I was there for a while. And after I read that book, I realized there was so much more. And so I'm just going to kind of leave it at that. 

Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah. And one last thing, don't be afraid to fail because you have to be able to understand the wisdom of the book.

What it's like to be on both the winning and losing side of every season of your success. You're successful, even if you can't monetize it or quantify it, but you don't be afraid to fail because you need the wisdom for later on down the line. You have to be able to understand how to deal with certain situations when they rise, because at each level, those problems come back.

They just don't look the same, but the root and the The root of it and [00:32:00] the, the, the, pretty much the baseline of whatever that challenge is, it's always going to look the same, which is pivoting with the economic demands of what people are looking for. 

Exactly. Do you know I always like asking this question.

We talk about do you know the acronym for fail? 

I don't know that one. I want to say I've seen something like it before, but I want to say no, just to be honest. I don't know. 

That's all right. First attempt in learning. 

Yeah. Okay. Now, yeah, I remember that one. I remember. 


You know what? That was I had a, I had an entrepreneurship it was like a class when I was in high school and that's, that was the first time I heard that one.

She Ms. Y street, I'd never forget her name. She was an older woman, but yeah, like it was, and you know what, every, every day in entrepreneurship is the first attempt because it's a new day and no two days are the same in business. Although it may seem like it, but no, no two days are ever the same.

Exactly. You don't end up with that same person sitting in the same place every single day. There's either somewhere else have a different personality or whatever. [00:33:00] So we got to take every day as it comes. 

Absolutely. Absolutely. 

So in your vast accomplishments, what is probably your biggest accomplishment you've had thus far?

Oh so I think my biggest accomplishment. Is seeing people align my vision because I can't, I can't measure it, but seeing people align, like it lets me know that I'm finally true to probably the biggest thing I'm ever going to do. So seeing people connect and I stand behind what it is that I'm trying to accomplish on such a global scale.

I think that's the biggest accomplishment. And the reason why is because it's bringing people together and no business is successful or anything in life is successful without people. Involved in it. We have this phrase that in hounds of business and a few other communities of, entrepreneurs that I, that I deal with on a regular basis, we always talk about people over profit, and that's a, [00:34:00] that's an excellent way to look at it because anytime you remove the heart of the people from it, that's when it begins to fail because it took people to even build it up.

So my biggest accomplishment, it has to be, connecting and aligning with people. Under one comment umbrella for whatever the mission, is that they bought into casino people, which is why the name of my company is different reasons. I don't know the reason why people support me, but people understand the mission and that I've aligned people all over the world and is like one of the greatest rewards.

I never in a million years would have thought that, I would be, a growing global figure. It's so interesting. And I haven't burst through the cracks of popularity, which is good because I can hold the integrity of who, who, comes into my organization, but man, Jesse is the greatest reward ever.

I like speaking overseas and just seeing people support me, people that don't even understand English. And they say, yeah, yeah. It is so beautiful, man. It is so [00:35:00] beautiful. 

All right, so what I like to do here is, like I said before, all my list or most of my listeners anyway, from what I made to understand are all brand new entrepreneurs.

So if you had one good, solid piece of advice for somebody that's just getting started in their entrepreneur adventure, what would that be for them? 

Solid advice. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be pray first and then don't be afraid to ask for help when you ask for help. Don't rush into obtaining the help because sometimes the help is going to present itself is someone who's going to charge you something that you can't afford.

Slow down. Do not rush. Do not rush. And the most important thing. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the process and the journey. 

Fantastic. That's a fantastic advice. I really appreciate that. 


All right. So what I like to do [00:36:00] with all my guests, every single one of them is we get a six month goal for yourself and your business.

So where do you see yourself in your business in the next six months, Dr. Angelo? 

Ooh, okay. I'll give away my secret. Oh in six months, I, I intend to pay for 10 trust funds. Thanks. For aspiring entrepreneurs to give them a safety net as they're going through their journey to be able to draw something to fall back on should, things, go south.

So in six months, I see myself successful enough to start paying for trust funds for other entrepreneurs and some, some, even the younger aspiring entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, that's, that's one of my primary goals right now. And I think in six months I'll be able to do it with a really large group of people.

Who see the value of why I'm choosing to do this. And and everyone's not doing it, but you know, I'm, I'm going to be paying for this out of my own pocket. It's something I just, I can't wait to see the [00:37:00] smiles on, people's faces just knowing that they have that, that, that bubble and that cushion to just be able to feel free enough to take risks without worrying about if they're going to fall too far down to the, to the bottom.

So that. Six months, man, taking my earnings and reinvesting it into other people's legacies, which is what I do because me, D'Angelo Richardson, doctor for different reasons, I bring legacies to life by adding value to people, businesses, and entrepreneurs and organizations. 

Fantastic. That's so honorable. I really, that's amazing.

I really am glad you're doing that. So what I'd like to do for you is in the next six months, I'd like to have another interview with you. Just like this one, I'm follow up with you and see if actually reach those goals. Is that okay? Absolutely. 

All right. Just gave me more motivation to make it happen. So yeah, 

just accountable to yourself and me.

Now you're accountable to my entire audience. So you 

absolutely, absolutely. And if I, and if I don't do it, ask me why that [00:38:00] way I can explain what happened along the journey, which will be more wisdom for people to understand. It may not go the way you plan, but it doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

All right. So, before we go, I need to ask you kind of, what's with the lions behind you, bud? What's, what's the deal there, buddy? Yeah. Cause all right. 

All right. So I always like to give a presentation and no one can forget. So behind me, you see a lion by himself. He's the leader. He's just alone, and it goes through segments.

What it's like to be a husband, a father, a man, a person, a leader, or just a person, that leads a pack. So what it does is it transitions. So you see him alone now and the next you'll see him with the female lion. That's the beginning of a system. Two people come together to create something new.

So after this part, you'll see a transition again, and then you'll see cubs, which are the, the children. And then after that, you'll see a transition over and then everyone's grown. So that's. The part of a growing system. That's how ministries [00:39:00] work churches. That's how families work. That's how businesses work.

That's how schools work. It doesn't end that that cycle of life. It never ends. And, if you see now, they're just kind of mingling around and things like that, in the next scene, you see, I always try everything about what I do is brand And my spirit animal is a lion also. So it's, it's just, it just aligns with, with everything that I, that I say in teaching and advocate.

I'm never going to tell you anything and I don't believe in myself. And I always like to display it in a, in a creative way. It's, it's just marketing and branding for me. 

That's so awesome. I really I'm really glad you do that and told us it really makes tells for a great story because for Me it was just a bunch of cute animals behind you

But it It tells a great great story So if anybody wants to see all this we're talking about right now head over to the YouTube channel right now Because I know this particular parts in audio, but I do have it on a YouTube there So take a look at the dr. Angela's [00:40:00] background there and see the whole story happen and unfold behind him All right.

All right, Dr. Angelo, this is your time to shine. This is your time to advertise yourself. Tell us about how we get ahold of you and your services. Okay. Ready, set, go. 

Okay. So if you want to find me, you can find me on LinkedIn primarily. You can find me on Instagram and you can find us on Tik TOK. If you want engagement, you're more than likely going to find me on LinkedIn.

So I am the founder and president of Different Reasons Incorporated, and we For profit because we believe in taxation to provide for essential services. And what we do is we teach, we coach, we train, we mentor and we add value to lives and we bring legacies to life. And what I mean by legacy is we help you get on that road and journey.

To discover who you are, what it is that you want to do. And we make the resources and the training affordable and available to you so that you can be successful without having to over invest in your ideas. Now, why am I telling you that? [00:41:00] Because I'm the only one in the world right now, who's willing to do it at the most affordable price.

And I'm going to make myself available to you as well as my team. And we're going to open up our network to you. I have no people all around the world who work in different industries. And I brought them all into one community to make them available to you all. Because sometimes, we can't all travel the road to academia.

So different reasons. Tell me your reason. And I'll help you discover the number one reason why you're doing what it is that you're doing. And then we'll make your legacy come to life. My phone number is there on the screen if you're watching YouTube. So is the website, which is currently being redeveloped.

So if you want to just go check it out and see kind of get a visual understanding of what it is that we're doing, you can find it there. My email is there also. Feel free to give me a call if that, that is my direct line. If I don't answer, shoot me a text message. Let me know how you find found me and I'll be sure to, kind of take care of you a little bit more.

I always offer free things, so don't, don't worry about what it's going to cost you to get my time. A lot of my time is made available to [00:42:00] you for free. I don't charge all the time. I want to make sure that if I'm going to help anyone, I have to be the right person for you. Bye bye. Always remember that you want the right help.

You don't want any help. You want the right help. So if you're looking for me, there it is in the YouTube station. Right there on the screen. And again, don't be afraid to give me a call and reach out to Jesse because we'll be keeping in contact a whole lot more often than, the audience may think.

But if you want to get in contact with me through him, that's, he's an open door for you. And again, like I'm grateful and I'm honored to be able to help anyone in the world. Just make sure that you have your plan and your intention about what it is that you're going to do because I'm going to encourage you to go forward.

And I don't believe in quitting. I don't believe in getting given up and I don't believe in stopping the greatness that you're destined to achieve in the first place. That's why you were created.

Yay. Very good. I love it. That's awesome. We had the whole picture and everything. That's the first time. [00:43:00] You want me to teach you how to laugh like Scooby Doo real quick? 

I can't, I, you know what, I would feel embarrassed in front of the camera doing it. Let's go. Yeah, let's, let's do it. Why not? 

So I've only taught one other guy how to do this on, on my show.

So, all right, so this will be fun. Okay. Now repeat after me just like I do it. Okay. You ready? Okay. So I say that he, he, he, he, he just these tones. 

I got it. 

funny. Don't just do the, just do the toast. Re

Very good. Do it again. 


now. Grow a dog. 

I see it coming out. I see it. 

No, no. Garlic. A dog. . Garlic. A dog. Do it again. Okay, now go.

It's funny, man. [00:44:00] I can see that it's something that could become a muscle memory. The more you do it, the more you get. I've been doing it 

for almost 30 years, so, 

yeah, naturally. It was probably you doing the voiceovers on the cartoon back 

then. Oh, I wish it was me. I wouldn't be doing this right now.

All right, all right. All right, Dr. Angelo, thank you so much for taking the time to be on The Undiscovered Entrepreneur. I really appreciate you. And I really hope for the best for you over the next six months. We'll get back at you. 

Absolutely. Thank you. I'm looking forward to it. 

All right. All right.

Scooby levers. Make sure you stay tuned for the wrap up. All right, everybody. Thank you. Bye 


All right, school believers. That was Dr. D'Angelo. What a great conversation. I loved his lines in the background. Make sure you look on the YouTube video so you can see what's going on back there. Anyway, there was a couple of things I really took away from this, and I hope you did too. Embracing failure is a stepping stone.

 Dr. D'Angelo highlights the importance of viewing failure as a [00:45:00] viable learning experience. By embracing setbacks and analyzing mistakes, that propel us forward. And remember to prioritize rest and balance. In today's fast paced world, it's easy to neglect self care.

D'Angelo emphasizes The significance of rest, balance, and maintaining optimal performance and mental well being. By prioritizing rest, we can recharge our minds and our bodies, leading to increased productivity and creativity. And with that, I'm going to say

thank you very much for another episode of the Undiscovered Entrepreneur. And I will see you next week. Goodbye, everybody.

 And there you have it future entrepreneurs. We've taken another step towards our journey to get across that start line. Remember every great business starts with a single idea and the courage to pursue it. [00:46:00] You've already shown that courage by joining us here today. As we wrap up this episode of the Undiscovered Entrepreneur, I want to remind you that the start line isn't as far away as you might think.

With each bit of knowledge you gain, each fear you face, you're getting closer to launching your dream. Until our next episode together, keep pushing, keep dreaming, and most importantly, keep taking those steps across the start line. They'll all add up to big strides in your entrepreneur adventure. This is Scoob, your guide across the star line.

Remember, your future is waiting. I can, I am, I will, and I'm doing it today.


DeAngelo Richardson Profile Photo

DeAngelo Richardson

Founder & President

Dr. DeAngelo Richardson is a transformative leader whose influence extends across the globe. Dr. Richardson seamlessly integrates his professionalism and expertise with his roles as a keynote speaker, estate planner, and certified business & life coach, embodying a life of service and leadership.

Holding a Doctorate in Education and serving as a board member of the University of Tennessee-Knoxville Digital Marketing Certificate Program, Dr. Richardson is a recognized authority in business coaching. His exceptional leadership has impacted countless lives, nurturing entrepreneurs who are now thriving and shaping their industries. His innovative approaches to business coaching have been featured in national news and international magazines, highlighting his expertise and contributions.

As an award-winning international speaker and a member of the Maxwell leadership-certified team, Dr. Richardson captivates audiences with his compelling insights and strategic vision. He specializes in developing estates and financial wealth strategies for individuals, families, and businesses, ensuring they build enduring legacies.

Dr. Richardson’s commitment extends beyond his professional realm; he is a passionate philanthropist with a profound love for children and education. His dedication to giving back and fostering growth is central to his mission. Dr. DeAngelo Richardson's blend of leadership, expertise, and philanthropy establishes him as a pioneering force in business coaching and beyond.