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Mastering Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs: Tips and Insights

Mastering Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs: Tips and Insights

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Mastering Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs: Tips and Insights

This episode of 'Business Conversations with Pi' focuses on guiding entrepreneurs, particularly newbies, through the intricacies of starting and managing a business. Hosted by Scoob and his AI co-host Pi, the session delves into essential tips for entrepreneurs, with a special focus on public speaking. The advice ranges from understanding one's audience to practicing relaxation techniques. Notable books on public speaking are recommended, alongside practical exercises to calm nerves. The episode highlights the importance of preparation and self-belief in delivering compelling speeches and emphasizes the value of Pi's AI-driven insights for aspiring business owners. Listeners are encouraged to seek further advice on entrepreneurship topics through the platform.

00:00 Introduction to Business Conversations with Pi
01:51 Diving into Public Speaking
02:56 Books to Enhance Your Public Speaking Skills
03:57 Exercises to Calm Your Nerves
04:59 Final Tips and Encouragement
05:22 Conclusion and Next Steps

Leslie Fiorenzo helps with your FEAR
Leslie helps you get over the fear of public speaking and enhances your message through speaking!

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 Pi Intro

Pi Intro

[00:00:00] Hey, they're entrepreneurs and business builders. This is Scoob from business conversations with pie where the questions are real, but the voices are AI, even mine. Welcome to another insightful episode on today's show. We're diving into the burning questions that new entrepreneurs often ask as they embark on their exciting journeys.

Whether you're just sketching out that brilliant business idea or have already taken the first steps, this is the place to get your top queries answered. I'll be your host, along with my virtual co host Pi and AI assistant created by the brilliant minds at Anthropic. Pi's neural networks have been trained on a vast trove of business knowledge.

So you can count on us to provide thorough and actionable advice from crafting a solid business plan to nailing your marketing strategy and [00:01:00] everything in between. We've got you covered. So get ready to soak up some entrepreneurial wisdom as pie. And I tackled those make or break questions that all first time founders face with our combined human experience.

Artificial smarts will give you the insights to turn your startup dreams into thriving reality. Grab a notepad, put on those entrepreneurial thinking caps, and let's dive in. This is Business Conversations with Pye.

Hi Pie, it's time for another recording. Say hi to the Scooby-lievers out there.

Ahoy, Scooby-lievers! This is your friendly AI, Pi, ready for another underwater adventure in the world of entrepreneurship. Let's dive in! 

So today I'd like to talk about public speaking. I'm gonna be doing my first stage speaking. I was wondering what kind of preparation I [00:02:00] can use.

Congratulations on your upcoming speaking engagement, Jesse! Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation, you can deliver a successful and impactful speech. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

1. Know your audience: Understand who your audience is and tailor your speech to their interests and needs.

2. Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your speech multiple times to become familiar with the content and build confidence.

3. Use visual aids: Include visual aids, such as slides or props, to help support your message and keep your audience engaged.

4. Focus on your body language: Pay attention to your body language, posture, and tone of voice to convey confidence and enthusiasm.

5. Breathe: Take deep breaths before and during your speech to help calm your nerves and regulate your breathing.

Thank you, that's really great. So are there any kind of books that I could read to help me prepare for my speech?

Absolutely, Jesse! Here are some books that can provide [00:03:00] valuable insights and guidance for public speaking:

1. "Talk Like TED" by Carmine Gallo: This book provides tips and strategies for delivering engaging and memorable speeches, drawing on lessons from the most successful TED talks.

2. "The Art of Public Speaking" by Dale Carnegie: A classic guide to public speaking, offering practical advice on topics like overcoming stage fright, improving your delivery, and connecting with your audience.

3. "Resonate" by Nancy Duarte: This book explores the art of storytelling in public speaking, offering techniques for crafting compelling narratives and engaging your audience emotionally.

4. "Made to Stick" by Chip and Dan Heath: This book delves into the science of making ideas memorable, offering strategies for crafting sticky messages that will resonate with your audience long after your speech is over.

Awesome, thank you very much. I know I'm gonna be very nervous when I first get started. Is there some exercises to help me [00:04:00] calm my nerves before I go on stage?

You're welcome, Jesse! It's natural to feel nervous before a public speaking event, but there are indeed some exercises you can try to help calm your nerves:

1. Deep breathing: Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth to help calm your nervous system.

2. Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and then release different muscle groups in your body to reduce tension and promote relaxation.

3. Visualization: Picture yourself delivering a successful speech and imagine how confident and composed you will feel on stage.

4. Exercise: Engage in some light physical activity, like going for a walk or doing some stretches, to help release tension and boost endorphins.

By practicing these exercises, you can help manage your nerves and feel more confident and composed when it's time to take the stage.

Thank you Pie. Any final words about doing public speaking and how we can prepare for it?

You're [00:05:00] welcome, Jesse! As you prepare for your public speaking event, remember to focus on your message and your audience, rather than your nerves. By understanding your audience, practicing your speech, and using relaxation techniques, you can deliver a compelling and engaging presentation. And above all, believe in yourself and your ability to succeed on stage. Break a leg! 

What an insightful discussion we've had today on business conversations with Pi. A huge thanks to my knowledgeable AI co host, who was developed by the brilliant team at Anthropic. Pi's neural networks, trained on a vast array of Corpus of business data provided us with invaluable guidance on those pressing entrepreneurial topics.

I hope all you aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners out there found pies artificially intelligent, yet refreshingly human like advice to be immensely helpful. Whether you're still mapping out that big idea or are already deep in the [00:06:00] startup trenches, having an AI assistant like Pi on your team can give you the edge to turn your venture into a success story.

And don't forget, if you have a burning business question that didn't get covered today, I want to hear from you. Feel Pi's capabilities to get you the answers you need on an upcoming. Go to tuepodcast. com So stay hungry, keep hustling and tune in next time as we continue decoding the entrepreneurial journey.

One conversation at a time. This has been business conversations with PI I'm Scoob from undiscovered entrepreneur and we'll chat again soon.