Your Guide Across The Stat Line Is Here
Feb. 27, 2024

Repair, Coach, Grow: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Harmonizing Credit and Coaching

Repair, Coach, Grow: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Harmonizing Credit and Coaching

In the conversation, Matt talks about his journey as an entrepreneur in the area of credit repair and life coaching from the last six years. He explains the importance of understanding clients beyond their credit needs and addresses their resistance to maintaining credit, underlying issues, and habits. He talks about his program 'credit coaching', his plans for a group coaching initiative, and the value he has found in coaching. He also outlines his ideas to leverage testimonials, start a podcast, and build an email list to grow his online community. Towards the end, he emphasizes the need to give potential clients immediate wins through lead magnets, merging credit and life coaching to create one unified service, and scheduling regular follow-ups with his clients.

00:00 Introduction to the Entrepreneur's Journey

00:10 Diving into the World of Credit Repair

00:48 The Importance of Maintaining Good Credit

01:31 Expanding Services: Business Loans and Credit Building

02:13 The Role of Life Coaching in Credit Repair

02:39 The Passion for Coaching and Its Impact

02:55 The Struggles and Joys of Entrepreneurship

04:05 The Vision for a Life Coaching Business

06:19 Balancing Multiple Business Ventures

07:11 The Challenge of Merging Credit and Life Coaching

07:44 The Art of Asking 'What Else?'

08:57 The Power of Personal Transformation in Credit Repair

09:28 The Importance of Understanding Your Clients' Mindset

10:54 The Intersection of Credit Repair and Life Coaching

12:44 The Role of Emotions in Credit Repair and Life Coaching

29:30 The Vision for a Group Coaching Program

32:52 Building Trust and Offering Value

33:48 Creating a Beta Group for Feedback

34:40 Reviving an Inactive Facebook Group

35:43 Rebranding and Refocusing Your Group

36:27 Creating Engaging Content

38:32 Building a New Community

39:50 Leveraging Current Clients and Referrals

42:45 Attracting New Clients

44:12 Repurposing Content for Engagement

52:32 Starting a Podcast for Content Creation

01:00:29 Building an Email List and Following Up

01:02:59 Reflecting on Progress and Next Steps

Mentioned in this episode:

Start Line Talk Part 2

Time To get Ready for Part 2 of Getting Across The Start Line! The Thrilling Tale of 5 runners that race to success in the 1000M race to success! Did you miss the first half? no Worries! Go to this link to listen to the first half of the talk!

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Matt Coaching


[00:00:00] I want to talk a little bit. First of all, I want to know exactly what you do and what your entrepreneur adventure is. How long, you know, all the good, all the good stuff there.

My backstory, my origin story. So, um, what I do, um, we're having the last 6 years full time has been credit repair.

Very, you know, very exciting. Great. Okay, great. We're done. That's it. It's like, yeah, since like, 2015, 2014. And then also, I got, I got into it because when I would talk with a client and doing the credit analysis. My whole spirit being whatever was like, there's more needs to be done here than you just telling them about credit, how it works and do this stuff with this because what happens is a lot of people, they get the credit fix unless they maintain it.

Um, they just let it go because they got the house or whatever it is, whatever it is that they want. And then it's like, well, the reason why he maintains because you have resistance to it also because subconsciously [00:01:00] unconsciously give reasons to why you don't think you deserve it. And it's like, Oh man, people just, they don't pay attention.

So it's really about for me addressing that with, with the, with the client and say, let's go on a journey to ship your unconscious identity, to see what else is going on this way, you can not just, you know, how to create one, but also create, create a life that you love. And go from there, and not to the next day.

Right? Don't mind me business, but I want to keep you going longer, you know, so yeah. And then also what we provide in the company is we also with business owners also the broker business loans. I have a. Um, of MCA data, we need to really hone in on like, all right, if I do this text message blast, what am I going to say to get some yeses versus all no's? So, I know what the funding alone is like, it was like, well. I'm hired MCA loans. I get it. Um, but [00:02:00] you're not getting anything better unless you do two things.

One, it's personal credit to get some business credit bill. Then we can get you to do some term loans, lines of credit and all that stuff. So, yeah.

Okay. So basically what you do is you help people repair their credit. Then you kind of keep tabs on and make sure that they keep the credit up and not just let it fall off after they've accomplished what their goal is.

Yeah, and then that's what I'm

looking to do. Um, yeah, I'm looking to do that more long term. I have a high ticket program for that. Call it, call it your night reset. But right now I'm getting some get I've gotten some coaching clients right now. It's still most just a credit and like nothing wrong with that boy.

Really? I do enjoy coaching because when I'm finished, I'm not like tired. I'm like, Oh, I want to do more. And it's like, we should go to sleep. Okay, but let's do more. It's like, stop. We have to relax now. Okay, cool. You know,

after all that, you're still thinking about your lying in bed, eyes awake, you know, like [00:03:00] who asked me,

how can I practice?

I won't even recast. Can I get this? I have this morning. What happened? I don't know. It's like, this is good .

You want to take a break. I'm like, man, I could do more coaching. It's like, it's a good thing, but you know, so yeah,

how's that song go? A million dreams are keeping me awake. Right?

I've never heard it, but that's true. You're sitting in bed. You're like, and you go to sleep now. It's 2 am. I went to the bathroom.

Why am I thinking about business right now? It's fun to go. Oh, I'm alive.

Okay. So tell me what's in your mind, Matt. I mean, okay, we, we got what our business is and we know it's an zone of genius because We're, we can't stop thinking about it and we, it keeps our energy up. We always want to keep doing it, even though, you know, like you say, it's 2 a.

m. and you're still thinking about it. So, you know, it's in that, in that right zone or area because you're always in that zone thinking about it. So, you know, you're in the right place. So, tell me what's on your mind at [00:04:00] this point. What are we, what are we trying to accomplish at this point? What's on your mind?

Um, it's the question I would like to get more because I asked him about the person LLC for my life coaching business that would title infant power coaching. So, right now, with the coaching credit, it can go hand in hand. I can have a couple of clients here as they build it up to transition to transition to more doing that.

But I'm also certified to teach literacy. So, there's apartments, like, don't let this go completely. Attached to it. However, it's going to be because I'm going to meet people when you have a credit or we know I'm on virtual financial literacy course for kids. It's virtual. So that's totally a factor in life.

But right now you need to go in the coaching like universe. God, whatever. It's like, this is the path. Don't drop this. You never know. So, um, but I like to have ideally for both clients really kind of the credit, but they also want [00:05:00] to want that 1 on 1 personal coaching. I also want to put together like a group coaching program, which would be, you know, everyone pays like 100 bucks a month.

Me twice a month. I already know what like to do. I wrote that really on that aspect. It's like, how do I narrow it down to who is speaking to you on that? Versus alright, bad credit sucks. Let me fix it. It's like, that's the feeder and then tying into kind of says, but there's more to this than what you may may be aware of.

Right? Like, an aspect. That's that's different. You can talk about what percentage people, how do you help with that? They'll reach out to you. Right? Credit side, it's like people are at just a credit piece and that's fine, but I already have some clients of mine that we help with the credit and they're like, I accepted them like a brief overview of like this credit coaching program that I have have running right now.

And they're like, yeah, I want in and it's like, I talked about all the other things about conscious breath motions are like, I want in. So there is a market for it. People want it. It's a matter of [00:06:00] communicating that to those who want it and saying like, you know. That's where I kind of need clarity on that.

Right. Okay. Okay. What else? What else?

And then I guess I'll do as well. This leads to the coaching side. It's like, you know, um, I like to get people in and the more, um, someone to one, but I'm charging a lot more, uh, 3000 to work together for 3 months on the coaching is 101 meet like once a week. I can do, you know, a couple of those.

Um, maybe like once, maybe, maybe like 1 or 2, 2, it was like a month, something like that, maybe 3 or more. And then, um, just kind of like knowing how to get more people in. To what I do, and because I got advised 1 time, well, if you're doing the coaching, the credit coaching and the coaching. And it's my thing was, all right, let me promote the credit piece on Facebook and then do one on like YouTube, keep it [00:07:00] separate and simple.

I was like, where are you cutting both? What does put it all on one umbrella? I'm like, could that make sense? And for a second, I was like, okay, I can mix these two to create content. But then I'm like, how do I go back and forth from 1A to Credit Tip? Then it's like, Life Coaching , Credit Tip, Life Coaching, you know what I mean?

Where, a way that it can just flow. That someone goes, okay, that makes sense, that speaks to me. I hear what he's saying, I wanna, I wanna learn more about it.

Okay. Okay, so You wanna learn more about Life Coaching, how to integrate that into what you're doing. Okay. What, what else? Is there anything else? And what else?

I mean, really.

Look at my Dunkin Donuts. I want those three. Okay, what else? Uh, the other two. Okay, what else? I'm like, damn it, I only wanted three. No, , you're Dunkin You're going to have a dozen. I'm like, all right, fine. What else? I'm like, what do you mean, what else?

Well, the thing is [00:08:00] I want to be able to serve you as much as possible in the time that I've allotted you.

So the only reason why I keep asking you what else because I'm trying to get all the stories out so I can and I'm writing them all down so we can hit each one of them and see what we can get out most out of every single subject. So it's really important to for me to hear everything that you have on your mind.

And use as much time as I can possible to hit every one of those. So that's the only reason why I keep saying, I know I keep asking, it's probably annoying. And I love donuts.

I'm a coach too. You want to know deeper, deeper, deeper. You go, Oh, this is what's going on for you. Is it? Okay. It makes sense because.

You can't see your own blind spots. You can't see your own self, but you can doubt me. You know what I mean? So, um, okay. I guess, I guess, I don't know. The last one would be like, what can I do in my next text message blasting these leads to be like, someone says, yes, I want funding from you. You're not annoying me.

And then I can get paid off of that too, as well. But. Unrelated, if not, we can't do it, we can't do it right now, it's [00:09:00] fine, I'm not going to worry about it so much, but really, for me, it's the coaching aspect of like, getting that down to clarity and like a flow.

Anything else? No. Okay, so I'm going to give you the obvious one first to me. That's right out of the bat obvious for me, okay? No. When you were talking about your credit business and that kind of thing, your light, your eyes were lit up. Your hands are moving. You're really talking about because you're, it's, you were really engaged.

But as soon as you actually started talking about the coaching thing, you backed off. You kind of got a little quieter. You kind of, kind of huddled a little bit, your hands dropped down, you know? So to me, that says I'm very, I'm very like passionate about the credit [00:10:00] business doing, but there's something holding me back from the, from the coaching part.

Yeah. So, and that's just through body language and your, and your voice tones. So can you, can you maybe think back and just kind of, why are we holding back from the coaching a little bit?



think there's a part of me, there's part of me that where it's like, I, cause I can go on about unconscious abuse and all that stuff, go all out. I get, that is like my . And then it's like, well, if I do that, I might be confusing people and then who the am I talking to? So then it's like, well, there's a coaching.

So it's like the other aspect is. What's the gateway to the to the other stuff that people like don't realize that they need and so that's where from your Impressions like yes, but it's like I wanted to talk about this But like how do I just do I just say, you know, screw it. Let me do all right today's Today is Monday, meaning a credit check, blah, blah, blah.

Then [00:11:00] Tuesday is all about how this affects this and everything else, right? And just go all out with it. And if that's the case, great. But how do I do it in a way that's smart and strategic? And not just like throwing chickens and going, Oh, I did all this today and I got nothing.

Yes, exactly. So, when it comes to something like that, because I see you two doing two things.

So when I see you doing two things, I like finding ways to merge them together to one final product. That sounds like that's what you'd like to do. So if you're going to do something like that, you actually have to have a customer journey. You have to have a customer roadmap. Something that takes the customer down a specific.

map road. If this happens, then this happens. If this happens, then this happens. If they go here, then we have to have them go there. For example, I'll give you what comes across my mind. First, you have a credit customer, but you feel that you might be able to coach him in something because you could tell he has problems.[00:12:00]

Then say, Hey, you know, I have this product. Would you like to talk about this product another time? Keep it separate. So that way we're not confusing ourselves between the credit and the life coaching. Okay. So we got to find a way to interweave that, but at the same time, keep them separate. So we don't confuse not just the customer, but don't confuse ourselves too.

Right. Right. So, like, I could see how you would have a life coach kind of worked into the credit because people want to build our credit for a good life. Right.


puppy. Yes. Yeah, the dog. She's like, I'm sorry. Anyways,

it's all right. I love dogs. They call me DJ Skoob.

I like this. She's not. Okay,

great puppy.[00:13:00]

The door.

Anyways. Anyway, so how do we, how do we make a roadmap for a guest when we first have them come into the coaching? What are some, some like light bulbs that will go off in your head when you can say, Hey, Hey, you know, they're in here in my crediting and they're saying something specific that might be good for life coaching.

What are a couple of flags for life coaching? I mean, what do you think?

So, so today, funny enough, yesterday I sent this out. Um, I had a lady reached out to me who's a loan officer. I met her late last year. I spoke with her team and I talked about the credit and the life coaching. I did a little process with her and she hit me up yesterday to what we saw on his credit and coaching as well.

Because she was like, you need to talk with that. Boy, he's kind of just seeing all over the place. He's insecure. Other things like that. I'm trying to remember what she said exactly, but she [00:14:00] recognized and he recognized that there's all the areas of my life. I'm trying to get things together. I feel I'm just trying to, I don't know where to go.

I need guidance to work on this and two and three and four and five. Right? So that's something that that's the mom. I remember being a mother. I guess this is where I got the research in some of the cues the things I would hear would be I can often tell when someone needs more help when Maybe the best people work because I was going to chase them when they know that they know they need to pray worked on and it seems like Life is just pulling them in every direction and they're not saying, Nope, I'm putting my foot down.

This gets done first. This can wait. I'm gonna do this. It's like, they're not, they're not, they don't feel comfortable enough saying I need help. I need direction. Can you help me just get centered and go? All right. Where are we looking? Where are we at? Where do you want to go? That's one piece, but what else is, what else [00:15:00] is going on?


So, so I guess they feel like, they feel like they proceed and leave that their life scattered. They want some guidance, just go on a straight line to where they want to be.

Okay. So what are, but I mean, I get that, but what are actually some of the cues that go through your head that makes you realize that this person could be a good, or, you know, I mean, some specific, I want you to get a little more specific with me about cues.

Okay, that's a good questions. I've never, you'll get the feeling you get that, you know, you get that fuzzy feeling in your heart. Like, I can help this person, but you're not gonna be able to help this person until they accept it or they ask for help. Right.

Right. Jeez.

I'm not getting anything at the moment. Okay. I feel like I should be curious because I've [00:16:00] talked with so many people on this before and done the analysis and they tell me about things in their life I don't ask for. So,

um. So maybe, maybe this is something, I'm not gonna, you know, make you pound your head on the wall right now.

But, yeah. But maybe this is something that you can actually work on. You know, I mean, sit down with yourself, write them down, put them somewhere where it's easy to find so you can refer to them, whether it be like, uh, in your phone or, you know, you do what I do. I use these things. Have you seen these before posted notes?

Yeah, no, these are a lifesaver for me. I kick put my alarm on my phone for 5 minutes. And just start posting words all over the wall. And then when the five minutes are up, I reorganize. That's why I like I'm sticky and I could take them off and reorganize them into sections. And those sections turned into subjects that I talk about on my podcast.

They're like keywords I could do with my podcast. So what you could do [00:17:00] for you is you could do the same thing, but your words that you're plastering down are, are your cues. Okay. When I hear this, okay. When I hear this word, when I, something like that, and then after you, the five minutes are up, start sectioning me out.

I said, now these are the flags. These are the things I'm looking for in my, in my credit customers. That could possibly be life coach customers. Yes. You see what I'm saying here? Right? Yeah,

that makes sense. Almost like a, what's like a brain dump of if this, this go five minutes and go, okay, let's see what's there.

Oh, there we go. And the rest can be tossed out, basically. Yeah. Well, I


our section, I mean, if, if need be, but I get, I get what you're saying. I, I'm picking up what you're putting

folks. Okay, good. Because you know, sometimes they drop stuff so.

Maybe when you're putting it down there, Dr. Scoob, DJ Scoob, I'm [00:18:00] sorry. Oh, he says it's like, wow. Okay. I see why now I get it.

You're going to get that every once in a while. Okay. So, um, when are you, what do you think you were most in your flow though? Cause it sounds like. I mean, you get into your flow when you're under credit, I mean, what else gets you in that flow?

What else gets you in that, in that warm, fuzzy place besides talking about credit?

Um, a warm, fuzzy place. When I'm actually one client, I got to meet him tomorrow. I forgot. Um,

when I'm talking, what am I actually actually coaching? Actually, when I've talked to him, I actually with my actually coaching and not credit, I get in full of like, you know, talking about the beliefs and emotions and what this means and that means and like, actually talking about, like, all the unconscious beliefs and stuff that I picked up over the years, I really get into that.

And, um, [00:19:00] the last session and I have a client tomorrow who's cool. He's, he's, he's almost like a marriage with me when I was younger. I was like, I wish I had a coach when I was your age. Okay. Like, he's got stuff, he's got insecurities, he's trying to get through stuff, and I told him, look, dude, you got to concentrate on your emotions, do this with women, blah, blah, blah, all this stuff, like, and I was like, wow, I'm talking to myself.

It's like, you're basically me, you have a different end goal, you want to be in, you know, like an actor, not my thing, but I get where you're going. You want that thing? You have trouble, you know, having a job? I've been there. It sucks, so find one that you like while working towards what you want and go for it.

Like, that's where I get my flow of stuff, and I understand, and I can, You know, answer their questions and just questions and toggle more about, you know, energy and all. And so, again, the unconscious stuff, like, when I'm there, or even when I'm managing, like, having a, um, uh, coaching session, it's like, I get into it, like, I need to talk more about it with people and share it.

It's been like, who the I'm actually talking to has been like, my biggest thing, right? Because once I feel like I have [00:20:00] that, I can just go and fly with it. And I can also put together like a mile, um, a lead magnet and do it that way to get leads finally. So,

but yeah, Much better, much, much better than what I saw about 15 minutes ago.


Cause that's me trying to be, I wasn't sure. I'm like, well, that's what it's like. It's there. How do we merge, bridge the gap, whatever, you know what I mean?


Fuse. So yeah, but I get, I'm like, hi. And I've done, I've done reels on it and people like it. Like I talked about one time, like, The real secret, the real secret to credit repair and, um, I said, like, you know, the real secret is, is, it's the resistance to change your unconscious mind.

Because some part of you just does not want to have a credit. And I've been there and it sucks. So you're fighting it. You have to shift that. Once you do that, boom, then you can work on credit. Then your finances can change. And I go into like why finances are hard for people to change because you have an [00:21:00] unconscious belief as to why you don't want it.

And you have to do work on that versus just changing habits. Like, no, you gotta go in that and then you can do the change. That's right. And then it's, you know, I mean, it's basically that's what I said. And that's where I've done in a couple of reels. So, it's like, there's parts we want to go off on both and it's like, we'll stop.

We'll stop.

What are we doing? So, instead of going stop, stop, stop, right? Let's go cross cross cross cross. How do we yes. How do we take those things that we know already and combine, like I said in the beginning, in the beginning, combine those things to make one solid

voice? That's what helped out so much.

I can just go

all the way through that, yes. So, I have a couple ideas for you I want to explore, okay? Yes. How do we take our knowledge of credit? And, and use that [00:22:00] in life coaching. Let let's see the, the, the, what similarities we have in credit repair and life coaching. Okay, so if you were to talk to somebody about, about credit repair, but put it in the context of life coaching, what would that look like?

What would

that look like?

That would be,

okay, it would be looking at, and this goes into, like, we'll ask some questions on, like, what will, this is, I'm going to make it general, but more sort of like, what was your upbringing like as a child? Two, what are your, what are your, what are your best you can this moment? What are your beliefs or the things that you're told about money?

How do you feel about yourself as a person? What are some things you've been trying to get you haven't able to? Okay, [00:23:00] this will come down to what's going on the inside here. Now your credit is simply a reflection of what you have going on on the inside. And the thing is. You can change your credit. You can people do, but if you don't address the parts of you that say, Hey, I'm not worthy.

I feel like I'm a bad boy. I was abused. Whatever. You won't maintain a credit because you're not supposed to have it. Everything on the inside has to match what's on the outside. It's a rule of life nature. Yeah, that makes sense. Oh, my God. I love you. Thank you. I'm done. Click. That was great. You're like, all right, let's go sip a coffee.

Let's go to bed at this point.

Don't stay up too late, Matt. All right. I won't. Right. Okay. So what are some of the emotions that are similar between your, your, uh, your credit clients and your coaching clients that you've had? What are similar emotions that they've had?

Frustration, [00:24:00] getting angry, definitely insecurities and feeling sad about themselves and feeling like The belief of I'm here.

I should be here. This means I'm like stupid, dumb, and I'm a failure. It's okay. I don't like this, this age, dah, dah, dah. And I'm like, hold on with the judgment. You're here now you're trying to get to there. We're doing this, that you're doing this, you're doing this now for your benefit. That when you get there, you will stay there.

Not just self sabotage or pay the price,

basically. There you go. Now, same question as the first question,

how do we take that our credit knowledge and what we do with the credit knowledge with, with that particular, those particular emotions and turn it into life coaching, right? Don't necessarily have to answer me, but it's definitely a food for thought. Yeah. Right. Cause these are the [00:25:00] things that the people that are coming to you for credit repair are going to be emotionally attached to.

In their mind, they're going to be imposter syndrome. That's the first thing that comes into my mind. When I think about somebody with bad credit who doesn't think they deserve good credit, it's because they don't think they deserve good credit. So they self sabotage themselves. So they stay in their little hole on this side, no matter what they do, no matter how hard they try, they keep self sabotaging theirself to stay in the 500s, 400s, right?

So, you know, if you do know,

below the servers are like, no, we're supposed to be here and it's easier. I remember that. Oh crap. I'm in the party now. .

Yeah, because that's where they're comfortable. That's what they know, and they're afraid to. Okay. It's like, I know it sounds kind of weird, but if I get a good 600 700 score, I mean, where do I go from there?

Can I maintain it? Oh, my God. Well, so that that's the fear of like, I'm going to [00:26:00] screw it up.

And what happens when you start thinking you're going to screw it up? You end up screwing up. Exactly.


So how do we help these people that have that problem? Right. We help them with coaching. We help them with life coaching.

We help them with knowledge. We help them with the capability to know that they do deserve good credit and they do have the capability of not self sabotage, self sabotaging themselves.

Right. Yeah. Oh, I know that one. Right. I know the other one that we put this to. It's, it's really getting clear on what it is you really want.

You want good credit, but it's deeper than that. It's the emotion, but also what else is that going to do for you as far as who you are, like how you're going to feel about it. Tell me

more [00:27:00] about that. Tell me more about that. Yeah.

Okay. So it's like you want credit and people want to credit for the house, but.

It's not just that's like you want more than just good credit and the house being in that house is going to add more value to your life in terms of who you are, your identity, and what is he really, really wanted a life because we all think one things, but unconsciously, subconsciously, we want the experience and the feeling associated that experience.

That's what we're really going for. And so, yes, we're great, but like, really, what's your life gonna look like ideally? What's the life that you, that you, that you want to live, that, that you love? What would that look like to you? What's it gonna feel like, be like? Are you around? Put credit, but yeah, but you have your credit.

Like, what are you doing with your credit? And as you're doing it, like, how are you feeling? Sovereign, independent, powerful, knowing that you can provide for your family, yourself, whatever. That's what you really want. It's not the score. We need it. It's that I know I got it [00:28:00] on this . Let's go for it.

And how many people, how many people do you think actually know that?

Not many, but it's an unaware, it's an awareness. That's where you come in and talk about it and say, this is what you've really done. Makes them to go, Oh, that's what you're going for. That end result, that clarity. So cool. Oh my God, I'm so much better now.

So what I want you to do is I'm going to, I'm not ending this.

I just want to, I'm just telling you. Yeah, we're done. I'm going to send this recording to you and I want you to listen to that again. But exactly what you told me in the last four or five minutes. I want you to listen to that again, because that's going to be the basics of what your coaching is going to be like.

Yeah. Okay. So

what it is that you truly actually desire.

That's what you need to know from your customer, right? Because it's really hard to see the label from inside the bottle, right? Yeah. [00:29:00] So, people need our help to see what is in the bottle by looking at the label from the outside. Right? We don't, we can't see the ingredients.

We can't see the ounces or anything like that. It's up to somebody from the outside to look in at the label. To help them know what's inside. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. Does that make sense? Makes perfect sense. Okay. Good. All right. So tell me a little bit more about the group coaching idea that you said a little bit about group coaching.

How, tell me a little more about that. Um,

yeah, so what I've thought of so far, I haven't, I don't make time tomorrow. Um, and if not Thursday to actually sit down and write it. What I have in my mind so far is like, it'll be a private Facebook group. Um, we meet live twice a month. And you're paying like 100 bucks, you know, low ticket and have group coaching go live [00:30:00] and talk about different things each time.

I have a whole bunch of permission to get chat GTP lessons, things like that. And I also have like, 1, maybe like 1st, the 1st of the month is less than the 2nd, the 2nd time he's like, is Q and a what's going on and then say, hey, if you want to, if you want further coaching. Um, that's going to be more and I have special pricing for them because they're already paying client, you know, to meet with them one on one to deal with something more personal.

Um, ideally in that group, I would love that people get comfortable with each other and say, hey, I'll say the beginning is I hate saying this. This is a safe space. I encourage you all to come up and talk about we got 1 person because you'll find that you're not the only 1. There's other people going through stuff that don't say anything to be your judgment.

And we're not here. So I want someone call me the hot seat. It's exactly the issue. Boom. Is that value? Is that valuable? Everybody? Great. I'll see y'all next time deuces. And also, and also probably group, I also have other people come in. [00:31:00] Um, who are good in other areas of finance, like life insurance, estate planning, um, that haven't, you know, haven't come in, like, maybe once every other month and speak and say, hey, if you want help with this, here's so and so, um, because like, I can't cover everything financially.

I want to give extra value to people, you know. And it's part of it. So,

yeah. Okay. That's good. That's good. Um, here's my thought. You're, you're, and I'm, I'm going to say things probably most people won't say. So I'm, I'm just going to be up front with you because that's the kind of guy I am. Okay. You're building your community backwards.

I am. You're building your community backwards. Okay. The reason why I say that is, if somebody came up to you right now and said, Hey, I got this, I got this great community. Give me a hundred bucks so you can be in my community. What do you think they'd say? What do you think

they would say? Or I would say.

Both. I [00:32:00] like, okay, what, what's, what's it all about? What's going on? Like there's doubt, or what am I, what am I doing? Yeah, there's doubt. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's doubts, like why ?

Okay. So I mean, we can't, we can't ask to be married on our first date.

I see you're saying launcher commitments, like, hold on, I need to get to know you 1st and then

go from there.

Exactly. So what I suggest is everything you said, but backwards, get people in the community, start being comfortable with each other, learn from each other. Show your face every once in a while. Still do the couple of things where you're going to have guests and talk to each other. Build the community because once they start talking to each other, they're going to invite their friends or you're going to have more people.

You're going to have more people built up. Then after you have a few people and you start feeling comfortable with, you know, you understand that people are talking to each [00:33:00] other. Then say, hey, by the way, I have this thing. If you want to join this thing, it's this amount, you've already gained trust from these people.

They know that you're a leader in the, in the group because you've been doing all these things. You've been, you know, facilitating all this gain that trust first and then say, hey. I got this thing. It's only a hundred bucks. If you want to join it, you can, if you don't, that's cool. I won't still want to be here.

Your income is going to be a by product of how well you serve those people, right? But we got to serve first before we can ask for that money, right? So that's what I would do. I would even go as far as maybe if you get a few people in that group, see who's really super active in the group, choose two or three people and say.

Hey, [00:34:00] I need somebody to help me with this. Can you help me with this? It won't cost you anything, but I want to see if this is going to work. Of course, they're going to say, you've already been leading them. Do a group coaching with them and see how it goes over. Right? Right. It goes over very good and there's good reception.

There's a good chance that everybody else in that group is also going to accept it as well as they do. And these people will also be able to give you feedback about how the group coaching went. This is going to be your beta group. This is going to be the people that you get the feedback from to make it better for the people that are actually going to pay the money.


Okay. So I already have a Facebook group that like, it's not active. Um, people in, so should I start rebuilding that one and say, Hey, you want to be paid members going to this one from there?

Okay. So what's the, what's the Facebook you got group now? What does that consist of? It was,

it's, it was, I started a [00:35:00] couple of years ago.

It's about, um, it's called, um, credit secrets to home, to home ownership. Okay, so, um, that I started, I had people I've every now that someone that gets in, but I don't post anything in there. It's not active. So it's like, for me, I would like to know, like, that's a good place to how to revive it and start adding new people into that.

And then from there, I guess. You know, then build the community from there into the paid group coaching.

So, okay, so let's, let's build this a little bit backwards. It seems to be the theme, right? So

I didn't know what to do.

That's okay. No, it's okay. So if you want this product, this group, this Facebook group, or whatever group it is that you build to be based on what is it credit repair?

It was, um, now [00:36:00] what still is, I just haven't, I haven't touched it. It's, it's an act. It's got people, but no one's doing anything. So it's reviving it. I get changed into what we're talking about early. Make it the life coaching, financial life coaching or credit coaching, whichever which you think, which you, which you think I should go off financial life coaching or credit coaching,

financial credit coaching, no financial, no.

Okay. So here's the thing. Remember earlier, I was telling you about the post it notes. Yes, that's going to be the perfect tool for you to find a name for the group. Okay, do that same thing What is and keep in mind what? You know what you want to accomplish in the group and then post what it is You want to accomplish in this group and then somewhere in all those words?

This is going to be the title. This is how I find all my titles of everything that I do because it's a brain dump. My editing brain is turned off. [00:37:00] My creative brain is turned on. So everything that I got going on in there is going to be dumped right out. Got it. So. We, we want to envision what the end product is.

So we know what kind of people we want to, well, puppy, what kind of people we want to attract into the group, right? The way you have the group set up right now, it's going to attract only people that are looking for credit repair, but that's not what we're looking for. We're looking for people that need help with their lives along with credit coaching.

So how do we, once again, merge these two things together to cross instead of be like this, like we were talking about earlier, one step, step, step, step. We want to cross, cross, cross, go ahead.

Oh, that's

okay. Thanks for the visit puppy. Okay.

Don't do it. I'm like, I'm in the middle. Okay. Fine. And I'm like, you're fully trained and you're great.

I can't [00:38:00] be mad at you. All right. Yeah. So when you're, yeah. So it's crisscrossing or what you said earlier. Sure. Sure. We

can call it that crisscrossing. I like it. That'll make you jump. There you go. Sorry. I'm old.

I was born in 85. I remember crisscross. I'm not, I'm not that young to be like, let's crisscross.

You weren't a 90s kid. Shut up.

All right. Anyway. Okay. So, um, that is another thing I would do with the post it notes is to come up with. A name of your of your facebook group that's going to attract the people that you want in your facebook group And it's not going to be just credit repair So for me if you want my opinion and this is just my opinion I would start a whole new facebook group and then if there's anybody Anybody in the Facebook group now that seems active that you feel would fit in that group, send them over.

But only active people. Don't send everybody [00:39:00] over. Only people that you know are active. Even if that's nobody. If that's nobody, nobody comes over. You're starting from scratch and that's fine. And if you're, if your group right now is inactive and it's been inactive for a while, Mm hmm. Oh, well, it's, there's nothing wrong with starting over again because you've learned something from running that group and that's how to start a Facebook group.

Right. And how to get people from somewhere to that Facebook group. Right. So now we take those learnings and take that into the next step for not now maintaining the Facebook group and doing everything that you talked about. Yep. Okay. Got it.

Okay. So how are, um, you said a couple times that you actually have some clients right now as far as [00:40:00] that goes. Explain that to me a little bit.

Yeah, so, um, I have my non, well, I have, I know the other side. One guy, uh, I'll say two. Regular life coaching clients have nothing to accredit. The rest, um, I actually are, um, 2 more friends of mine.

They're now like, with the clients are in my credit coaching program. I think they want to stick with this. Um, and then I have a couple other current clients because with the credit repair, we have, um, we offer locked in credit repair. So there's still a client of ours, so they're a repeating customer that are in this life coaching the current country we're going to have.

So, yeah, so I can talk in advance. Hey, I'm doing this group. No, they'll join it and go from there. So it's a little bit of that and up until this point. I've had the issue of criss crossing the two to be like, to go to, to go to my current clients, current person, [00:41:00] Hey, I'm doing this thing. Do you want it? It sounds good to you.

Who else would you know that that would be a part of it? Cause I've done it with some people and I'm like, Oh, I went in. I'm like, perfect. Join my . Let's go for it. Let's just finish journey and you know, fly together.

So, okay. So these clients that you have now was, was it sort of random running into him or how do we get, how do we find this?

But besides the friends, his friends are obvious.

But the other one, the other ones, one of them had to email me at the blue and I forgot they were there because work. We've worked for a while, they had a question. I see. I was still working on a file and then I just said, you know, Hey, here's a credit program.

I have give me some feedback. If you like, join here. It is a friend school and she goes and she went, I want to join this. I was like, I didn't expect it. Um, the other person, Charlie, the other person, um, The other person I've been speaking to for a while, um, working to his credit currently, I told him about it.

So really, it really has been, Hey, here's what I'm doing right now. Initially in the [00:42:00] beginning, I was putting together like, would you buy this? I was trying to make it, I'm trying to make it, um, like, you know, clear, like, would you buy something? I'm like, yeah, I'd do it. And so now it's been when I've made time for it to be like, Hey, I'm doing this.

Here's what I have. Would you like to do it? If not, who do you think would benefit from it? So that's what I've been just sharing with current clients.

Okay. So you're taking your current clients that you have now and basically just asking referrals. Yes. Okay. That's a good practice. Referrals are, they're going to give you warm leads.

Yeah, you already have a whatever credibility you have with them. They're going to have with their friends and and whatnot. So that's good Yeah, so the next question is that as how do we attract new clients? Yeah, that is a good

question Um, don't have much of a don't have any much of a marketing budget that's these things so I need to get I'm not the lens where I can start having that.

And then I can move to markets. I have friends that would let the left to [00:43:00] help me market, but I don't know, they don't want, we're free and I get that. So then don't give me a deal as well to help you more people.

All right. So let, let me give you a little example then, because I'm right there with you. Um, I make zero money podcasting.

Nothing. Okay. Um, I work two full time jobs on top of my podcasting on top of entrepreneur coaching to keep my head below water. Okay. So I understand what it is to work with a very low budget. Yeah. Okay. So we need to find ways to be able to advertise ourselves and market ourselves with no money and it can be done.

Okay. Okay. So what do you think you can do for free?

Um, one thing I have been doing, um, I had some people, um, take a part in and now I've got a testimonial from somebody, Michelle Moore is been offering free recode sessions. And in the beginning, it's funny. And I was doing it to practice just to get used to it [00:44:00] with my friends.

They were like, okay, great. Can we keep going? I was like, Oh, you actually want to keep going? It was funny. I was like, wow. Okay. I didn't just the practice. So I've been offering that a lot to get more people involved in that. And I have there's a video, a link to video that demonstrates it so we will see it.

Um, now, now I have an actual review testimonial. I think I'll get more credibility as well for be able to take the offer on it. So that's 1. Um,

another person told me friend farming, which I need to look more into. Um, I've been doing Facebook Reel consistently, um, networking events, attending those, which now I can speak to more clearly about this. I can say, Hey, here's what I'm doing, looking for, you know, there's an offering also, uh, three credit strategy session as well.


Anything else? That's it. Okay. All right. So what are you doing with these testimonials?

I just got one and then there's three of them that are I can. that they were written types. I can screenshot. So I don't know what's the best way to use

them. Okay. Okay. That's what I want. I want to make sure I wasn't gonna go over something you already did because that needs a redundant, right?

Okay. So do you have a website? Yes. Okay. Put those Tostamonos on your website. Have you done that? No,

we haven't done. We should have a whole

bunch of people need. People are going to look you up. If they're going to spend money with you, they're going to want to know what you're about. So the first thing to do is what they're going to Google.

Yeah. Okay. So when they Google you, something needs to pop up, that's going [00:46:00] to give you credibility for what you do. Right. Go ahead. Let the puppy in. It's all right. God. Charlotte.

Let's leave the door


So, we need to, we need to use these testimonials to your advantage. Okay? And the only way to do that is to put them somewhere so people can refer to them. Right.

Okay. Now there's another type of testimonial you can do if your clients and your friends are willing to do it. And that's a, that's a personal testimonial. And what that is, is basically when somebody says, Hey, you know, I want to work with you, but I want to do my research first, say, Hey, contact so and so here's their email address.

Here's their email address. Talk to them and let them show you or [00:47:00] tell you what I've been capable of doing for them. Right. So it's not just a written thing that's on a website or anywhere else. It's a voice or something coming from directly from a person. Right? It's a lot more credible. So I've actually started doing that myself recently and it's been working really well.

Okay. Okay. So, um, work on your testimonials. I think that's going to be a key for you is getting your testimonials somewhere where people can see them. I think that's going to be big for you and gather more, gather more testimonials as many as you can. It doesn't matter who it's, you know, it's make sure it's from somebody that has worked with you.

So it's. It's the truth, but even if it's from your friend or even if it's, if you do a 15 minute consultation from your, your credit, whatever it was, your credit sessions, Hey, can you write a testimonial for me since you, I did this for you for free. Right.[00:48:00]

Okay. Now I want to talk to you a little about your reels. Okay. Since you're sort of doing it, sort of, when you say not consistently, I mean, what, what does that mean? I mean, tell me what consistency.

Very minimum, like not once a week. It's like here, there. Not everywhere, not even once a week, Monday was a, Monday was a Friday, you know, something that's every time people know, all right, there's a new reel coming up from Matt at this time.

Okay, why are they not consistent?

Um, going back to the lack of knowing who I'm speaking to, and then knowing that then the content

can flow. Okay, so it's a matter of you don't know who your audience is. Yes.

Okay. It was until this point.

Now, but now we know who our audience is. Right? Yes. Okay. So now, since you know who your audience is, do you think you're going to be a little more, you can be [00:49:00] a little more consistent with reels?

Definitely. With that, I could do at least like, I don't know, twice a week, once a day, I don't know. Just see what, see what, what feels, what the flow is and

go from there. Don't overwhelm yourself with them. They're not going to be detrimental. They're going to be more of a reference point than it is.

Something that you're going to actually say, go here. This is where I'm at saying, yeah, it's, it's going to be something where people are going to see him, you know, start seeing a little bit more people are going to get interested, start liking your things or whatever. So it's going to kind of run and that's where you're going to get some organic traffic if it works, right.

But it's not going to be something where you have to like. You know, get the best lighting and do and, you know, have it a certain, you know, don't don't overwhelm yourself with that. Okay. It's going to be a good way to get people, but it's not something I want you to 100 percent concentrate your energy on.

Got it. The other way to do it is to do what I do. And that's [00:50:00] repurpose content. Okay. Okay. So like, if you look at any of my podcasting stuff, I record everything because everything to me is content. So what I do is I repurpose that content into reels. I take little snippets, I pull them out, and I throw them on a reel with some words and a little gif or something or whatever.

Super simple. I can get a bunch of them all at once. And it gets the job done and I don't have to over worry about it. Some, some of these you could even schedule out to release at specific times. Um, I know Twitter does that. I know Facebook does that to a point. Um, there's also some softwares you can get it get, which will actually let you build up a library and then they'll push them out at certain times of the day or certain times of the week that you choose.

So that way you can take it, take like two or three hours out of a week, do a bunch of content, do a bunch of reels, throw them into this AI program. I think it's an [00:51:00] AI program of some kind and then it'll push it out for you consistently whenever you want it to go. So, um, the one, the one that I, I know of is a pinnacle AI.

I'll send you a link to that. Um, uh, I'm, I'm, I work with them. He's a good friend of mine and it's a, it's actually a CRM that has, it's a CRM. It's a total CRM that has AI worked into it, which also includes a, um, a social media calendar. Okay, nice. So I'll, I'll link, I'll send that over to you too later on.

So you can see it. So, um, if we were to do that, how, how would we get content?


well, 1, I've subscribed people [00:52:00] on YouTube that I follow. So that's 1 source. Um, there's a 1, something in my magnetic mind, um. That office that there's a lot of stuff, so that's 2. Um, 3, um, experiences I have with with clients, stuff they go through things to avoid. Um. That's 1 and then, I guess. I guess I could do one where it's like, I thought about doing like, you know, like a reality TV one.

It's like day one I'm doing this, day two, here's day two, day three. Whatever, whatever thing I'm working on below. Oh, my God, he did it. Yeah. And the ups and downs and challenging all that stuff. So, yeah.

Okay. We need, we need to build you a content calendar. Okay. So, when you start doing these things, you want things to happen in a series.

You actually were almost there when you were saying, [00:53:00] this is my project. This is the next thing in my project. This next people love a story. Yeah. Right. So have people follow you in your story. If you're going to build something, have them follow you while you're building it. If you're going to build a course, Hey, I'm building a course.

This is what I'm doing in my course. Do you have any questions about my course? There's things that you can do to, for people to follow you. And then when you actually come out with that course, people are waiting for it. So I always, whenever I do anything, I build in public and I use whatever I'm doing as content for the public so they could see what I'm doing.

So when I'm done with whatever it is I'm doing, people know it's there already instead of just like building it and then, okay, here it is. Right.

The, the, the, um, anticipation.

Exactly. So that's a good way to do content too. Now, uh, I'm a little biased on this one. Uh, start a podcast.[00:54:00]

You're not the first person that's told me that. So that's a sign.

Yeah. Why, why haven't you let's, let's, let's ask a different question. Why haven't you started a podcast yet? Um,

don't know where to start the recording of it, the platform, put it on.

Yeah. Okay. So if you knew that information, would you start a podcast?

I would. You would? Are you sure? Okay. Yeah. Cause I'd be

like, all right, cool. Here's like, do it. Here's the topic. Speak for five, 10, 15, I don't know. I'll have guests come on. Or just look for guests and just do it that way. So. Okay.

If you want, I do have a product. I do. I do help people start podcasts. Okay.

Okay. Thanks. Uh, from beginning, from beginning to end, how to start it, how to get it all out there, how to create [00:55:00] content, how to edit it all that I can help you. I can help you learn that if you want to take advantage of that. I'm not going to go too deep into that, but it is there if you want it. Okay. So when you do something like that, whether you even start a podcast or even just start a, um, a YouTube channel or anything like that, that's all stuff that you can use as content for your socials.

You know what? I should start a podcast and use it as my content and be like, here's day one, guys, dropping today at 3 p. m. Eastern. Boom. Oh, my God. So,

so, yeah, they're already thinking about it.

So, um, that's a good way to do it. And then also what you can do once you start building up steam in that podcast is start venting out for clients. Hey, I'm starting this thing. I want to invite 4 people into this. If you want to be involved, go to [00:56:00] this place, right?

Right. And it'll be, it'll be out in the airwaves. It'll be out there for people to hear and listen to and take advantage of. Same thing with a YouTube channel. You could do the same thing with a YouTube channel. Heck, all I do is I take my podcast, I videotape it, and then I throw it up on YouTube. I just repurposed content.

The same content? Yeah.

Okay. It's not different. No, I'm not agree with that. Not agree with editing. So what I have to like do myself, I could like just have some fiber, like do the intro, outro. Have a nice day. 'cause. I'll get lost with that.

I can help you. Don't worry. It's all right. But having some kind of consistent, consistent, uh, content going out there is going to give you credibility.

It's going to give you, uh, it's going to give you leadership because people are going to see you more and more often. They're going to see you as a leader. Right. And your field of what you do. And that's what you want. [00:57:00] Got it. Okay, cool. So the other thing you could think about too is, um, an email list.

Have you thought about doing that? Or do you know what that is? Do you know what all that is? Yeah,

I have one and I need to, um, have a better lead magnet to get people on that list. So what do you use?

What are you using for a lead magnet now?

Oh, it changes. It's been, uh, um, what happened to mention it lately anyway, but it was that somebody uses just a free, um, the free credit strategy session and opt in and schedule it from


So, so you are physically actually talking to people as your lead magnet? Yes,

but no one's really taking me up on it.

So far, the reason people, the reason people are not taking you up on it because it takes time, it takes time away from them and it takes time away from [00:58:00] you. Right? Okay. It's too personally.

I think it's too early for you to be taking time up like that. You have a lot more that you could do with that extra time. So what you need to do instead, personally, I think it's to come up with something very simple, but effective that somebody can use right away. Like right now, you want that quick win because as soon as they get that quick win from you, they're going to realize that you are the guy because you helped them in less than 10 minutes.


So lead magnet, it helps them, it gives them a quick

win. Correct. Okay.

All right. I got to think on that one.

So personally, my lead magnet that I'm using right now is a AI prompts. Okay. So basically it's prompts where people just plug in this sentence and they put in what business they want to [00:59:00] start. And there's like three or four lines. And when they're, by the time they're done, they have a bunch of articles about the business.

They want to start basics on how to start their business. To get the juices flowing a quick win of exactly what they want. Right. So that's, that's what I'm using right now. Gotcha. Okay. So building up that email list is going to be probably more important to be honest with you than your Facebook group.

Okay. All right. So we need to concentrate on. The, uh, the email list and we need to concentrate on the Facebook group. That's going to be your community to work off of. These are the people that are going to follow you. These are going to be the people that will buy from you because they see you as a leader.

They see you as a leader in your, in your industry. Gotcha.[01:00:00]

Okay. Anything, any other, any questions up to this point? I want to make sure, you know, anything going through your head right now that I can hit?

No, that's it. Okay. I just wanted to ask one time before I moved on because other things I want to. Okay. I want to hit real quick, but okay. So what else do I got here?

Um, there was a couple of times that we've talked, we've talked, we said, I need to follow up with, with he, she, them a couple of times where he said, I have to follow up with them.

Someone I said, I really should talk to them. I haven't talked to them in a really long time, or I don't know if you, I don't even know if you're aware you even said it or not, but there was a couple of times where you said. I really should reach out to this person. I'm trying to get through

because I

don't remember.

That's okay. Probably when you look back at this. Oh, [01:01:00] yeah. Yeah, okay so We need to find a way to be able to not forget about these people that we need to follow up Fortune is in the follow up right if they don't take advantage of whatever it is that you're giving them right away You want to follow up with them in a certain amount of time and say, Hey, you know, remember this, are you still interested in this?

Sometimes people forget, right? We want to be able to remind them that. So having some kind of way to get ahold of these people. So we don't forget. And that's actually going to go back into having a customer relations manager or CRM, like I talked about earlier, a way to be able to remember, remember, or remind.

yourself that you're going to have these people to talk to after a certain amount of time. And then if it goes too long and they don't respond to you, then, you know, it's okay to throw them, you know, throw them aside and not waste time on them because they're not giving you the time of day. Right. So instead of having in the back of your mind, Oh, why haven't I have talked to this person?[01:02:00]

Well, it's because it's been three months. I didn't want to talk to this person. Yeah. Right. So I'm having a, having a. I'm not going to say efficient right now because nothing's efficient right now. We're just getting started, but having a, you know, a good way to be able to follow up with people, whether it be on email, whether it be DMS or anything like that is a good way to maintain a good follow up.

So I just want to make sure that you're doing that. Cause that's important too.

Um, actually after that, I think that's all the notes I have here for you. Um, I want to give you just one more chance to, if you have any questions, look at your notes, see if there's, if you understand everything that we've talked about, is there anything you want me to just kind of go over one more time?

Anything like that? I'm good.

I got it. You [01:03:00] got it. Yeah. Okay. All right. So I would, here's what I'd like to do for you, Matt, because I really like you. You're awesome. You have a lot of great things going for you and I want to see you succeed. So here's what I'd like to do with you. And I want you to get back on my calendar land in a month's time.

I want to follow up with you again, another free coaching for the same amount of time. Okay. I want to hear about what you've done, what kind of successes you've had, what kind of failures you've had, what you've actually completed, what you have completed. I want to hold you accountable for the stuff that we've talked about today.

Okay. Okay. So, uh, I, once we get off here, we get back, I'll send you my calendar, Lee, again, I want you to set a time up in a month's time from now so we can get back on here again and see how you're doing. Okay. Are you okay with that? Yeah, that's fine. That works. Okay. It means I

gotta, it means I gotta do stuff and go, yeah, about that.

I kind of forgot. [01:04:00] Sorry. Life happens.

But that's why you need somebody to hold you accountable so you can get it done, right? Exactly. Exactly. Okay. So I'm going to ask you, what are the three things that you pull the most value to what we talked right now? What are the three things that really stuck out for you?


clearly my target market or I have a target deal, whatever the audience that's helped out that streamlines everything from there, um, to, um,

building, um, building the, uh, you know, the, the, the, my, my community. And, um, there's another one. Like helping with content to actually ask more than that. It's, it's telling the content and fine tune a lead magnet to use at the end of my content. That should get people to want to opt in and, you know, give, give, give them a quick [01:05:00] win because that's, that's been the simplest, most like, duh, explanation or goal of a lead mag.

I've gotten my entire time and been in this space because no one said, Oh, I have a lead magnet. And it's like, no one says the goal should be to give them a quick win. I'm like, that makes sense. Versus value. It's like, okay, but they need to get some sort of change and then they can go, well, I want more.

This works.

Yeah. All right. And what's one thing you're to do as far as soon as we get off the phone here besides go to bed because I know it's late. What's it?

Um, I'm going to set up a 30 days time to meet with you tonight for today. Absolutely. Send me.

Okay. Well, that, that works too. I guess. Let's hope more lens.

What are you going to do for yourself? Not for us? Oh,

I'm going, I'm going some food. Yeah. Um, Let this [01:06:00] marinate in my mind for the night and then, um, once you want to watch the replay on this and okay, because I'll pick up stuff that I want that, you know, all that and because some things I want to, I want to watch and go from there and I go, okay, this is what I can do.

So, cool.

There we go. All right. Um, I'm going to go ahead and stop the recording just so you know. Okay.