Jan. 4, 2022

Ashley Brown, Virtual Administrator For Healthcare ep. 6

Ashley Brown, Virtual Administrator For Healthcare ep. 6

Let's welcome the newest member of the Skoobeleiver family, Ashley Brown.  A Hard working Virtual Administrator for the healthcare industry. After getting tired of watching the large corporation hospitals treat there patients like numbers, Ashley decided to make a pivot and help small doctor practices with their admin. needs. She hopes to have several doctors to work with very soon.
He also has the help of her husband that works the sales aspect of the business adventure. Between the two of them, the strike the prefect match to work together to make their goals. Listen and find out how.

Show notes...............................tuepodcast.net/episode6    

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Ashley Brown Profile Photo

Ashley Brown

Virtual Administrator For Healthcare

Let's welcome the newest member of the Skoobeleiver family, Ashley Brown. A Hard working Virtual Administrator for the healthcare industry. After getting tired of watching the large corporation hospitals treat there patients like numbers, Ashley decided to make a pivot and help small doctor practices with their admin. needs. She hopes to have several doctors to work with very soon.
He also has the help of her husband that works the sales aspect of the business adventure. Between the two of them, the strike the prefect match to work together to make their goals. Listen and find out how.