J. Robert Parker Hypnotherapist ep. 9

Today we are talking to a new Skoobeliever Robert Parker. He is a hypnotherapist that is just getting started. He was one of my most interesting guests I have interviewed. He talks about how hypnotherapy works and the mindset works for it. He goes deep into himself and his backstory and how he got to where he is today. He used his experiences to change his mindset from a negative to a positive.
Shownotes................. tuepodcast.net/episode9
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J. Robert Parker
Master Hypnotist
J. Robert Parker is the owner of Twin Ravens Hypnotherapy and Research LLC since 2020 and union certified Master Hypnotist. Educated at HMI College of Hypnotherapy, Mr. Parker began his path to where he is today in coaching, gaining inspiration to find new ways to help people the longer he worked with people. He now offers one on one hypnotherapy sessions to help others with a wide array of problems from anxiety to weight loss and career success, lectures to groups about the benefits of mindfulness and behavioral understanding in the workplace as well as doing group workshops with smaller groups.
Mr. Parker believes firmly in the science and benefits of hypnotherapy and is an advocate of basing all of his practice on medical research and soundly tested techniques, drawing his inspiration from Drs Milton Erickson and John Kappas. Inquiries can email him at: jrobertparker@protonmail.com or visit Twin Ravens Hypnotherapy at www.twinravens.org.