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Jan. 7, 2025

Vision 2025: Goals for Growth in Life and Podcasting

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2025 Goals: A New Year, A New Beginning

In this solo episode, Skoob, host of Undiscovered Entrepreneur and proud member of PodNation TV Network, shares his personal, podcast, and business goals for 2025. He discusses his plans to visit family more often, cut down to one job, and support his children's creative pursuits. For the podcast, Skoob aims to produce 52 episodes, include more solo episodes, and bring on high-quality guests, specifically hoping to feature Pat Flynn. He also plans to increase listener involvement and conduct live events. For his business, Skoob aims to secure consistent coaching clients, generate podcast revenue, and actively contribute to PodNation TV. Additionally, he plans to start a newsletter, conduct stage talks, and hold virtual speaking engagements. Skoob encourages listeners to share their goals and join his Facebook community 'Across the Start Line.'

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:31 Personal Goals for 2025
04:54 Podcast Goals for the Year
09:46 Business Goals and New Ventures
16:32 Community Engagement and Conclusion

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 2025 goals for Undiscovered Entrepreneur 

2025 goals

[00:00:00] This is an Undiscovered Legacy production and proud member of PodNation TV Network.

Hello SC believers and welcome to episode number 99, number 99 on the Undiscovered Entrepreneur. Get across the start line and it's me, scoop coming at you, whatever device you have to be listening on. I hope you liked my episode that I put out last week. This week I'm doing another solo episode.

This is a brand new solo episode So it's not pre recorded or anything like that the last one. This is a brand new recording here and today we're actually gonna do a solo because It is my first episode in 2025, so it being the new year, I want to tell y'all, all my school believers out there, my kind of goals for the podcast for this year.

This is going to be a new thing for me, where at the beginning of every year, I want to go over goals. I want to go over what I expect of my podcast and of myself. So [00:01:00] I've kind of broken it down into three categories. So my first category is personal goals. My second category is my podcast goals. And my third category is my business goals.

A little separate from the podcast goals, but yet very, very important. But I do have a couple of personal goals. I want to kind of Let you all in on and understand where I'm coming from personally as Scoob. So, first of all I have already hit one of my main goals and that was actually to make it to PodFest.

It finally happened, y'all. After three years of solid kind of trying to make it work. We are going to Podfest this year. That's actually going to be this month. I'm going to be going for about a week and a half to Florida and to visit my father that I haven't seen in a really long time. That was really important to me too.

And that kind of goes into one of my first podcasts. that I have set for [00:02:00] myself for this year is to visit family more often. So, I do have family in California and in Arizona. So sometime this year I'm going to make a trip out there. They're kind of closer together than Nevada and Florida. So, it was hard for me to accomplish this year.

But I'm going to be visiting family. That is one of my main goals this year to to try to accomplish that to visit family. I haven't seen in a really long time. If you haven't seen your family in a really long time, kind of like I have reach out to them somehow way shape or form. I know it's really hard to hug a computer screen or your phone screen or anything like that, but reach out to him.

Anyway, it's it's really important to keep in touch with family

Just know that they're there to, to support you in what you do. And if you can't see them in person, if you can't get out to them, just find a way. It's really important to reach out to family. And I really hope that if you don't have family, if you're one of the few people that don't have [00:03:00] family, Around close enough to yourself reach out to some really solid friends and just say hi I heard that a couple of times where you know, you go to your phone and you have your recent Searches or your recent go all the way down to the bottom See who's the last person that you talk to?

Is that somebody you haven't talked to in a really long time? Maybe it's time to reach out to them So another goal I have personally for Scoob is to cut one of my two jobs. I'm still working two full time jobs right now, and it's starting to wear me down a lot. I have even my coworkers say, hey, you need to cut down a little bit.

 I'm getting a little bit older. I don't know if that's an excuse or what, but I really feel myself wearing down. And there's definitely something I'd rather be doing than working a second job. And that's being here with y'all and being Scoob and helping you start your businesses. And that seems to be really important to me.

I'm really [00:04:00] going to be working hard to start finding a way to make money at other places. So I can get a job. So I can't quit one of my two jobs. And third and probably most important to me are my kids. And I really feel like I want to be there to support my kids creativity more often. My oldest son is an aspiring blacksmith and he, he's been amazing and teaching himself that I don't want to be there to support him.

I've talked about my daughter a couple of times. Where she's making custom dolls, and she is probably one of the most creative people I know, and I want to be able to support that for them this year. So they can expand what they're doing, and maybe turn it into something fantastic. So those are some of my personal goals this year.

And I just wanted to put it out there for you. My podcast goals. This is something mainly between you and [00:05:00] me as a listener and as a host. Some promises I want to make to you this year that I will be able to keep just because this is something I wanna make sure I actually get done.

First of all, I wanna make sure I have 52 episodes for you for this year. I know I had to miss a couple episodes this year due to, to unforeseen circumstances and, that happens someti sometimes. In our entrepreneur adventure where we have to put things aside and put our family first but if we can Get ahead in our work.

So when things like that come up We don't have to stop what we're doing here to be able to do what we need to do In those unforeseen circumstances get ahead of things Get a two or three episodes ahead of where you are right now that way that you have that kind of cushion If it's work that you're doing that you can get build up get ahead of again, then it might benefit you later on.

We'll have to see how that goes for us all. So one of my main goals for this podcast is to make sure I get [00:06:00] 52 episodes for you. Now, here's a bigger one for you. Besides the episodes, I want to do more solo episodes for you. I feel like it's nice to have guests on the podcast. I've learned so much having guests on my podcast.

so much. And giving them the spotlight, like I like to do, because it helps them out, helps you out, it helps everybody out. But I have a lot to say too, and I think that I would want to share what knowledge I have accumulated with my school believers out there. So, I am going to be doing some more solo episodes.

Solo episodes do scare me. that's probably one of the reasons why I want to get more into it now. I feel like that I've, that I've, I feel like my confidence is a little bit more now, and I'm able to talk to you one on one a little bit more. And I don't know, it's just, I feel like I really, really should do I've had a lot of people tell me I need to do [00:07:00] more solo episodes.

I just have to figure out how to actually do it and it be high quality. And I will figure that out, because I need to do it for you. I need to do it for me too, but mainly I need to do it for you all. So we're going to accomplish that this year. Also, as far as guests are concerned, I want to start getting some higher quality guests for you to listen to.

I'm still going to highlight new entrepreneurs, always going to highlight new entrepreneurs to give them that opportunity to get onto a platform that nobody else will take them seriously on. I will take you seriously if you are a new entrepreneur. Make sure you reach out to me if you are. But I'm talking about people that have experienced things that they can teach us how to overcome the four hurdles of Stop.

Including, and this is one of my main goals, and this has been a goal for a while, but I'm going to get it this year, having Pat Flynn on my podcast. He is the guy that I have modeled a lot of what I do in podcasting, and I really want [00:08:00] to have him on my podcast. So my, my main guest that I'm looking to have on this year is Pat Flynn.

So Pat Flynn, if you're listening, I need you. We're going to have you on my podcast. Also, I want to have more listener involvement from you. I want to be able to listen to what you have to say as the listener. And want to know what you want to have as guests. What kind of information you would like to hear from me.

What kind of subjects do you want me to cover for you? With that information, I can really give you a higher quality podcast that has what you want in it, but I can't do that unless I have that knowledge from you, the listener. So please reach out to me. I want to reach out to my listeners and find out what they would like to have as a podcast and how I can improve this podcast for you.

That's really super important to me. Also, I want to have a few more [00:09:00] lives. I want to have a few more live events where y'all can find me just talk, do talks maybe do a webinar, maybe do something along those lines where I'm talking to you live one on one, or one on many, or whatever it is. I gotta find out a way to actually make this happen.

Live content for you all. I think it's just more fun that way. I think it just gives us more connection as listener and host. And I want to get you all involved, just like I said before. And I think having lives, whether it be on Facebook, whether it be on LinkedIn, whether it be anywhere, I want to give you the opportunity to ask me questions live on the screen.

We'll see what happens. I'm still experimenting with it. But we're going to see what happens. And lastly, my business goals. I have my business goals kind of separate from the podcast goals, even though the podcast is definitely my main business. But you know, I do do coaching and I do a few other things [00:10:00] too.

And those are goals that I want to have to kind of latch on to the podcast goals that I have. So one of my main business goals here is to find two consistent clients to coach, to help them get ahead in their entrepreneur adventure to help teach them what I know so they can go branch out on their own and do things that they want to do to help them find their zone of genius to help them find their voice out there to help them make an income for themselves and make a better life for themselves.

I want to be able to help them do that. So my goal is to have at least 2 consistent clients this year. Also, business wise, I want to have revenue for my podcast. I have a couple ideas that I'd like to implement with y'all this year. Definitely some exclusive content. One on ones for just you and me. And, I have a lot of other ideas.

I'm [00:11:00] not going to name them all because this thing will go forever. But we can't just have ideas. We have to implement the ideas. Otherwise, ideas won't do anything for anybody. Taking those ideas and implementing them into reality is what's going to help you and what's going to help me too, to be honest with you.

So let's make sure that when we have ideas, they're not just ideas. They're ideas that we're going to implement. Ideas that we're going to take back. A nice structure to be able to , make real. And one of the other things too is ,

by now you've heard my intro and that we are now on PodNation TV. I've actually been a part of PodNation TV probably for about a year or so. And I've gotten a lot more involved in PodNation. So, recently they have put me in charge of a couple of things. I basically have skin in the game when it comes to PodNation TV.

So, I want to help it grow. PodNation [00:12:00] TV has made me the sales manager and the show manager of the network. , that being said, you're going to see a lot more from PodNationTV. We are on Roku right now, so if you download the PodNationTV app on your Roku television, you will see Undiscovered Entrepreneur get across the star line, and several other podcasts that are out right now too.

Take advantage of that. Have some fun with it, learn, and see what happens. You never know what can happen when you find something new. So we're going to take that to another level, too. Hopefully that's going to help a lot of the podcasters that are in PodNation TV and provide some great entertainment for y'all on the other side of the screen there.

So, a couple other things, too. I want to start a newsletter. This is going to be new for me. And I think that's going to help the people that do more reading than listening. There's a lot of people out there that would rather read it. [00:13:00] their Their information then just listen to it. Some people are just like that and that's great.

Everybody has their own way absorbing information I absorb my information through Listening. That's all my books are audiobooks and they take up a lot less space but I want to be able to appeal to those people that Read their information. So I'm gonna be starting a newsletter you Don't know, have too much information on it yet, but I will definitely keep you posted once that actually starts coming about

We're gonna make this newsletter specifically for new entrepreneurs I wanted to be another resource for new entrepreneurs to learn from

Another thing that I want to make sure that I get done this year is to have three live talks on stage Not necessarily here on the internet, but with a stage Audience and people to actually listen to what I have to say.

[00:14:00] This is another one of those things where I do have a fewer I guess, but it's also more excitement than fear. I think I really want to be able to do this for everybody out there. So I'm going to have these stage talks. I'm going to invite all my school believers out there to come down and listen to what I have to say on the stages.

If you can make it down here. Great. It, I can guarantee you it's not going to be unless something amazing happens, which is possible. It's not going to be huge stages. It's probably going to be small stages. But they are going to happen speaking is going to be one of my main Superpowers, it's all started here and I wanted to go to the next level.

So that's what we're gonna do We're gonna make a goal for ourselves just for this year to have at least three live stage talks somewhere. Hopefully, they're probably going to be here in Missouri, [00:15:00] but their stage is nonetheless. And I think it's going to be a great experience for me. The other thing too, I want to have at least five virtual talks.

And this is when I go on a virtual stage with other speakers, probably going to happen that way. Probably not just going to be me. And I want to take you along with me on those too. So. I'm going to reach out and try to get speaking engagements for at least five virtual speaking engagements this year.

And that's basically my goals for this year when it comes to the podcast and myself.

These are all things that I've really been wanting to do for a pretty long time. Most of them, especially the business ones, but we kind of holding myself back, I think. The reason, the real reason why I want to put this out on the podcast. It will definitely hold me accountable for these goals with you, the Scoop Believers.

I feel like if I say these things, especially on , A platform like this. [00:16:00] That means I'm accountable to make these things happen this year. And I think that's what I'm missing on a lot of these, a lot of these goals is accountability.

So I appreciate you listening to this and I want you all to hold me accountable for these things. If there's a lot of these things that I haven't talked about in a while, that kind of pop in your head hey, he hasn't done this yet. Go ahead and reach out to me. Hey, what happened to those two clients?

Have you gotten those two clients yet? How many stages have you been on?

And that way it kind of keeps me going.

At this point, I want to ask you what your goals are for this year. If you look into the show notes, there's a place where you can actually click on and it's a link to text me.

And contact me and ask, and it basically says, what did you think about this episode? Click on that link and let me know what some of your goals are for this year. I'd like to hear about them that way. I, I, as a host can hold you accountable for your goals. So it goes both ways, right? So I would love to hear about that.

I want to be [00:17:00] able to reach out to you all and help all of you, but I can't do that unless you reach out to me. Cause I don't know who you are. I really wish I did. But if you reach out to me, I'll know who you are. I'll be able to help you. So let's do this together. Let's do this together as school believers.

You can even reach out to me and my new community that I have posted on Facebook.

The Facebook group is across the start line, which I think is awesome. It kind of fits in the Undiscovered Entrepreneur Network. These are all, I want all these people to, I want us to all kind of get together here. On across the start line on Facebook and help each other out because that's really what it's all about I will have a link to that in the show notes as well So if you want to join that community, it is a free community.

You're more than welcome to go on there and ask for help if you go on there right now It'll be a one on one thing for sure between you and me so i'll be able to help you out a lot It's gonna be a lot different if I have a couple hundred people I'm [00:18:00] probably dreaming a little bit, but a couple of thousand people on there.

They're asking questions right and left Because I'm not gonna be able to answer them all so now would be the time if you want help in your entrepreneur adventure To join across the start line on Facebook Go down to the show notes, hit that link, and let's get together and help you on your entrepreneur adventure.

So. That about wraps it up for this episode. I would really like to make sure that you make 2025 your best year in business. And I want to be the one to help you along the way. , like I said, reach out to me, let's see what we can do. Make 2025 the best time that's ever been. And I will see you across the start line.

Goodbye, everybody.